A Series Of Sweet Poems

             I love that feeling that you get in your stomach.
            You know that feeling.
              The one were you know that you know your going to fail.
            Like you know your a disappointment to your family.
            To you friends.
           To everyone that you know and love.
          I love that feeling so much it makes my ribs hurt.
           Dont you love that feeling were you can feel someone else's tension.
         I love those vibes you get off of someone that is depressed.
          Its like I'm drinking their energy and killing myself just a little more.
          I love that feeling of someone not understanding me.
          Because my faults are because "I want attention".
           Don't you love it when you're having an anxiety attack and someone says "your doing it for
            Why yes, yes I am faking not being able to breath.
            And feeling like the walls are closing in.
             Let alone the fact that I pinch myself just to feel my mothers love.
             I love saying to my friends and therapist that I have a close relationship with everyone.
            When really all we do is try to avoid each other.
             Dinner time is so much fun.
            ''Hey mom dinner is great!"
               Mother on phone.
              "Hey mom I got a 100% on my test."
              Mother is texting.
              "Hey mom I almost killed myself"
                 Mother"thats nice dear." Still on phone.


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