A Crack In Time
                                                              By:Joe Sweet

Chapter1:The Beginning                           
As Meredith Main was walking down the block on the right side she could see the leaves falling off of the trees and it was breaking into dawn , as a gust of wind blew to the left of her she could see a blurry figure across the block as the figure was walking closer and closer she soon realized it was Austin Taya , Austin Taya was Meredith’s old friend since the first grade . Meredith never thought that boys  were the main priority in life, ever since Meredith was a little girl her dream has always been to achieve her life goal of becoming an actress , as Austin passed Meredith he smiled at her but all she could really do was look down at the cracked  grey concrete ground full of colorful leaves and not make eye contact . 
When  Meredith reached her house she looked down and open her bag and searched for her keys when she found them she took them and opened the door .When she got inside her house  she put the keys on the table right when she walked in, afterwords Meredith closed the door behind her and yelled 
, but no answer as Meredith walked into the kitchen while taking her blue wool jacket off she placed it on a chair. 
As Meredith was about to open the refrigerator  a note was taped on the refrigerator and the note said ,
‘’Dear Meredith , Hi it’s your mother I'm sorry I went out to New Jersey to see how your Aunt Giovanna is doing . I will be staying the night at her house  due to the fact that she's sick and nobody else lives with her, so theirs shepherds pie in the fridge all you have to do is heat it up  in the microwave .I’m sorry but this was last minute I also had to take care of some business it’s nothing important I just had to meet an old friend of mine it’s honestly nothing to worry your pretty little head about Love Always, Mother’’ 
. Meredith was very confused to as why her mother would go all the way to New Jersey just to see how a relative was doing 
Meredith did understand it was for a good reason why she had to leave. Meredith  and her mother lived in California so Meredith thought how silly it actually was to travel 560 miles just to see how a relative was doing it just didn't make sense at all it was just probably a cold .
After Meredith finished reading the note she placed it on the table beside her and opened the fridge to see what was inside she could eat all that was in the refrigerator was a shepherds pie on a black marble plate and it was covered with plastic wrapping and on top of it , it said with  black marker “DINNER’’, Meredith’s bottom was  leaning on the table , with her right hand she was holding the refrigerator door open and hunching over to see what was on the bottom shelf nothing appealed to Meredith
. After a while  Meredith closed the refrigerator door and thought to herself what else was there to eat Meredith than walked over to the cabinet and scanned her eyes around to see what could she eat. All that Meredith saw in front of her was a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch ,and behind that was a box of rice as Meredith was looking for something to eat her stomach started to growl and then Meredith gave up on looking for something to eat and closed to cabinet door and walked down the hall to her. 
Room and as she opened her door all of a sudden Meredith got this strange feeling she was being watched as Meredith opened the door she slowly turned her head back looking to see if anyone was behind her and their wasn't .The first thing Meredith did when she got in her room was take off her shoes , so as  Meredith sat on her black comforter she put one foot up on top of her knee and started to untie her white shoelaces , after her shoelaces were untied she grabbed her heel of the shoe and the front of her shoe and yanked it off and as Meredith’s shoe fell to the hard wood floors Meredith couldn't shack the feeling off that she was being watched by someone. 
Meredith was the type of person to ignore the feelings she had about anything at all since Meredith was in her Freshman year of high school she had a handful of crushes, but none of them were able to top Austin Taya , due to the fact that Austin and Meredith had known each other their whole lives Meredith always had feelings for him but she never knew it just till recently when she seen him on the Avenue riding his bike . When Meredith was in fourth grade she had to transfer school and she never seen Austin until a few days ago , after that Meredith never knew how Austin had turned out to be like she was scared that he was a jerk or a player so Meredith had forced herself not to fall in love with him but her feelings for him grew every time she either seen him or thought about him which was often but Meredith didn't want to get her heartbroken again.
As Meredith took her second shoe off she got up and bent over to get her black sneakers she grabbed them and walked over to the front of her bed and placed her sneakers side by side then as Meredith looked out her glass window she saw the beautiful sky , she could see all the colors in the sky and the appearance of the full moon and the small puffy clouds that looked like cotton balls.As Meredith seen the sky she starred at it which felt like eternity and all she could fell was her heart beating slowly then Meredith thought to herself why is the world only seen for its ugliness and beast like manner , how come the world cant be seen through the eyes of God. 
Afterwords Meredith walked over to her oak wood dresser and grabbed her phone and jumped on to her bed which mad her whole bed shack and rested her head on her dark pink pillows as Meredith checked the time it was six-twenty five p.m and then as Meredith was starting to get tired she set the timer for thirty minutes and then she shut her phone placed it next to her closed her eyes and curled up into a ball and slowly drifted off to sleep as Meredith was sleeping her body was starting to become cold and bodiless and all her color began to drain . Meredith's  body was cold.Bodiless.And colorless as Meredith’s hand pillowed her head it slowly began to turn to ash and Meredith’s whole body started to slowly turn into grey ash , and with Meredith’s whole body turning into ash a big gust of wind out her window blew Meredith's ashes away.
All that was left was nothing but a note placed on Meredith’s bed which said 
Dear Mother, by the time you read this I will be in a better place I wish to inform you that you as a mother did nothing wrong at all it was me I as a daughter felt so ashamed of myself , I felt as if I was in chains being slowed down, but this set me free I finally can rejoice with Aunt Giovanna in heaven in the Kingdom Of God I can be finally be able to fly with the birds mother it’s not to late to join , mother it’s not to late to join, mother it’s not to late to join…’’
All of a sudden Meredith jumped up trying to catch her breath as there is  pool sweat behind. And as Meredith was  sweating built holes she tried to snap out it and when she did she noticed that is was very dark out .Then Meredith scanned for her phone with her eyes and started trying to feel for her phone on her bed when she finally felt something she grabbed it and it was her phone .As Meredith turned her phone on it the bright light lit up her whole face due to the fact that Meredith was in the dark for God knows how long her eyes had to adjust to the bright light so as Meredith squinted she was able to see the time it was only seven-twenty one Meredith couldn't believe it she felt like it as more then a hour or so.

                                             Chapter 2: Ashes

As Meredith turned off her phone  and placed it beside her and slowly lying done and resting her head on her pillow she thought to herself was as she put her right hand on her head 
‘’Was everything just a dream?,what day is it?,how long have I actually been sleeping for?’’
.Meredith’s head was throbbing and all Meredith could think of was the fact that there was something very wrong but she couldn't put her finger on it . As Meredith closed her eyes all she could think was why did everything that just happen to her happen for some odd reason and as Meredith drifted off to a peaceful careen deep sleep .
All of a sudden Meredith woke up hearing a very odd strange sound next to her all Meredith could do was close her eyes and sounded the same on repeat the sun light that was beating  down on her face feel really warm. The sound of a screeching sound want on for a very long time until Meredith started to get very annoyed and opened her eyes to see and bright sun in her eyes , Meredith then had to blink a couple of times for her eye’s to adjust to the sun when her eyes did .Meredith leaned forward and turned her head to see what the noise was she bent her head only to see it was her phone alarm Meredith then sighed and then grabbed her phone and shut her alarm off Meredith was surprised to see it was eight-o nine.
Meredith then pushed herself out of bed and walked out of her room and into the  kitchen that was across from her room and when Meredith walked over to her brown cabinet as she opened the cabinet door Meredith was frozen with fear and at this point all the color drained out of her body.The cabinet that Meredith’s cereal was usually in was not in there , their was not any cereal to be seen all that Meredith could see inside of the cabinet that was empty was cob webs and dust .Meredith then left that cabinet door open and walked to the next cabinet and opened the cabinet doors very slowly only to see that the cabinet was full of dust, cob webs, and this time the top of the cabinet was dripping dark red blood ,at this point Meredith couldn't feel any limb in her body she couldn't even feel her own heart beating a scream had died inside within her.
Meredith then left that that cabinet door open and closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her noise and out through her mouth when Meredith opened her eyes as she seen the blood dripping inside the cabinet she said to herself very quietly and as she said it she was giggling 
‘’This is just a huge joke,YEH thats what it is just a mind twisted sick joke that someone is playing on me’’
 but no one was in the house it was just Meredith and only her ,as Meredith turned her back to the cabinets that her still open she then was facing the grey metal  refrigerator .Meredith just kept on walking towards the refrigerator very slowly , as Meredith stopped right in front  of the refrigerator ,and the only thing that was on the refrigerator door was a note that was taped on the door , Meredith then grabbed the note and read the note and the note had said
 “Dear Meredith, as time goes by every second of every day my heart acs for your body to come back to me ,but alas that may never be possible for as your soul is in heaven  I stay here what I could have done to prevent this from happening.I still drive by your school and as I see all your friends I still talk about you to them like you are  here with me but God has made special planes for you my precious angel , it is not your fault it was mine I should have noticed the signs that you were dealing with depression.
When I came home that night as I called your name I was mortified why you were not answering me ,as I walked in your room to see if you were asleep you were not I did not prepare myself to see what I was going to see as I walked to the bathroom across the hall i noticed the lights was on but the door was closed and locked as I called out your name while I knocked on the door leaning my head on the cold white door I was expecting an answer but all I heard was dead silence .As I tried and tried to open the door ,and when I did I was not prepared to see what I was going to see as I almost fell trying to open the door my color had drained out of my body,I was completely numb I was not able the feel my heart beat even and i just went into a complete blank.At this point i had felt like I was the only person on Earth.
What I saw was your head lying behind the white sink with your left wrist sliced open and your right hand open and pail with a razor in the palm of your hand all the  white tiles stained  with your blood ,you were just laying on the floor pail bloody and bodiless all I was able to do was just stay there wondering what was going threw your mind to make you do such a horrid thing as I seen as small fly, fly over to you landing on your nose just staying there it broke my heart to see you like this and for that I say I will forever be eternally sorry for what I put you thew’’

Meredith’s pail face was starting to get red of anger and as her face was starting to get watery with salty tears Meredith didn't know how to feel about this situation due to the fact that Meredith had never been in an every odd situation like this in her life.Meredith was just standing in front of her refrigerator still holding the letter in front of her ,her mind was just blank Meredith had so many mixed emotions and she didn't even know were to start so she just forced 
                                            Chapter: What If

Herself with all her might to accept the fact that she was dead, but then Meredith thought in her mind was this heaven or hell , but then she thought to herself again was this just a dream was any of this actually reality.
Just then Meredith lifted her head from which her arms were crossed to cover her head on a light brown wooden dest and as Meredith was sitting in a room full of students wearing  dark red v neck sweaters ,and underneath that was  white cotton blend shirts with four hold small buttons the collar  was on top of the red v neck sweater so you were able to see the collar .The girls wore wool knee high skirts and cotton knitted dark navy socks , and the boys wore khaki’s with dark navy blue dress shoes.All that Meredith say was colorful posters with motivational quotes on them ,and as Meredith’s head and mind was wondering around Meredith finally released it was her classroom that she was in.
Meredith was very confused to as why she was back in her english class ,as Meredith turned her head forward she seen her teachers oak desk towards the front of the classroom on the left side full of papers scattered every and a glass cup full of colorful pens and pencils then Meredith seen her english teacher Mr.Neil talking about photography as he was motioning with his hands taking a pictures in front of the class Meredith’s eyes adjusted well enough to see Mr.Neil.
His Hazel hair was glossy and gelled to the back ,his blue eyes were shiny and crystal clear as can be, his jawline was very sharp, and he was wearing silk dark navy blue jacket ,with a black button down shirt that was tucked in by his leather black belt thats buckle was silver, he also was wearing dark silky navy blue khaki’s , and his black leather shoes .Meredith couldn't figure out why she was in her english class ,as she lifted up her head to see the time ,the clock was just about to strike twelve and then the bell had range.
As Mr.Neil then said very loudly trying to speech over the loud bell with his deep voice 
 Meredith then seen every student their book bag and walking out of the classroom she was the only one who wasn’t.
As Mr.Neil had noticed that Meredith was still sitting in her desk just staring at the front of the class as he walked over to her desk very slowly he just stared at her. He tilted his head the siltiest bit and squinted his eyes the smallest bit ,as he was walking very slowly he put his hand left hand on every desk that he passed until he finally got to Meredith’s desk . Mr.Neil then put his hand on her desk in front of her the scent of his cologne filled the air Mr.Neil said in a soft deep tone 
‘’Ms.Constantine the bell has range its time for you to leave class you are dismissed’’
 , Meredith then slowly lifted her head and looked strait into his eyes and said puzzled with a whisper with her sweet voice and her pink, plump, full lips 
“Mr.Neil’s what are you talking about? My last name isn't Constantine its Main.Remember? It’s Meredith Main I was in your english class for three years ,I was the student who single handedly changed the out looked out of the school forever! Don't you remember that?’’
 Mr.Neil’s then looked at Meredith with a concerned and confusion look and said with hesitation 
“Ms.Constantine what are you talking about? Your name isn’t Meredith Main.Your name is Karin Constantine you’er a senior’’. 
Then as Meredith was just about to say something outside their was a very loud BOOM both Meredith and Mr.Neil felt a vibration in the floor and as they both looked outside very quickly their was a cloud of smoke that filled the air every where. As both Meredith and Mr.Neil were very concerned they didn't know what was going to happen next then on the loud speaker a woman’s voice came on 
Mr.Neil and Meredith both turned theirs heads to the loud speaker that was on the right and was they were trying to figure out what the woman was trying to say they both could hear her clearly and the woman said in a petrified voice  
then both Meredith and Mr.Neil could hear on the loud speaker the woman being cut off to the sound of a door being slammed open and a woman screaming so loud that the speakers made a static sound they both could hear the bullets all the way up to their classroom and for a few minutes theirs was silence.
Until  man’s voice came on the loud speaker and he said in a jolly tone 
“Dear teachers.Faculty.And most importantly the students of the school as you may  know my friends and I just came to take a quick look at you’er lovely school ‘’were not going any where until we have EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU BRATS.So until then my friends and I are just going to take a quick look at your school and make our selfs at home for a while.And don't mind us if we just pass by your classrooms to take a quick looky - looky’,
Then Mr.Neil yanked Meredith by the arm and pulled her out of her desk and stated to push her into the closet and said to her with concern and discipline as she was  in the closet white as a ghost shaking 
“Ms.Constantine you are not to come out of this closest no matter who it is you are not aloud to come out of this closet and you are not to make a sound under any circumstances .Understand?’’
 then Meredith shook her head very slowly while looking deep into his eyes.As Mr.Neil closed the closet door in Meredith’s face Meredith couldn't believe what was happing and as Meredith pressed her head up against the cold wood door she tried to hear what was going on the other side of that classroom.All Meredith could hear was Mr.Neil’s foot steps walking all the round the classroom then as the foot steps began to lessen Meredith could start to fell her heart beating out of her chest.
Then a few second’s latte’r Meredith heard loud foot steps echo and as the foot steps got closer and closer then they stopped until their was a knock on the wooden door.Meredith then heard the heavy footsteps inside the classroom Meredith was not prepared to hear next.
Meredith had heard Mr.Neil’s voice say in a happy tone 
‘’ Gentlemen welcome to my humble abode what brings the greatest pleasure of seeing you here this very fine evening’’
 then a man’s deep voice responding back to him said 
“Cut the crap Alex we know your hiding one of your students in here’’
 all of sudden Meredith started to hear shuffling all around the classroom until Mr Neil said above the shuffling 
“look Richard I know why you're here and it’s not to capture the fine students that Rome theses halls every day, its nothing other than to find the one and only Karin Constantine’’.
Then the sound of a man’s voice sent chills running down Meredith's it sent only bad flash backs to of when her father used to come home drunk at three o'clock  and yell with his deep voice at Meredith mother at how he should have married her sister instead of her.The mans voice than said 
‘’Well you see Alex I am quite interested in Ms.Constantine specifically what she can offer to me and my friends something that not that many people can offer, she as I would like to put it as is a dream escaper’’,
Meredith right there and then had déjà vu again she felt as if time has stopped and time has no meaning any more the only meaning was of anything was the fact why she kept on getting déjà vu all the time and when she dreamt she would teleport to a different place.
Then as Meredith took a deep breath and as she grabbed the cold gold door knob and turned it very slowly only to be prepared to see what awaited her on the other side of that door.As she opened it a crake she got the courage to open it all the way and Meredith was not prepared to see what she saw,Meredith had seen her mother Isabelle sitting in an iron chair with her hands tied to the sides with her fists clinched so hard her hands started to turn white,Isabelle’s red lips replaced the color of her red cheeks and her freckled face, her dark blue eyes,Meredith’s mother Isabelle was wearing a under dip black long sleeve shirt, with a pair of  navy blue jeans, and black sneakers.Her blond pin straight hair was tied back into a perfect slick pony tail Isabelle did not look like she was in her fourths, she looked like she was only sixteen and all that Meredith could see was nothing else but her other in the dark underneath a bright yellow light .
Isabelle was just looking straight ahead like she was waiting for something, or someone ,all of a sudden on the left side of Isabelle a door opened the white light from outside the door made that whole dark room light up then two tall, muscular ,heavy armed men came walking into the door .Their heavy shoes echoed all the until they were in fount of Isabelle , Meredith could not see the men’s face nor her mothers face anymore one of the men that was holding something in his right hand but she couldn't make it out all of a sudden the man on the left with Hazel hair 
Said in a deep voice 
“Ms.Halperfeild it’s such a pleasure seeing you once again,I believe you know the reason why you here’’ 
then Isabelle said in a pitchy voice while half smiling was 
“Well you see Mr.Danial Mcearlin my mother told me that I honestly had no choice but to come here due to the fact that my family was going to lose the farm and this was the first option they had to save the farm’’.
The man on the right looked at Danial the guy on the left and said to him 
“Hey!look man lets cut this lady just a little mercy’’
 Danial then grabbed the guy on right by the arm and came close to his ear and whispered quickly 
“Look Asher the gals parents wanted this.They want, we do its as simple as that the more of them there are the more the population will decrease thats what the government wants.I get that your new here but you just gotta get the hang of it’’
.As soon as Danial let go of Asher’s arm Asher looked to the right not facing Danial closed his eyes and took a deep breath and said with a whisper 
“lets just get this over with’’.
So As Asher moved to the side and tilted his head down and held his hands in front of his he was prepared for the worst. As Danial walked closer to Isabelle and grabbed her arm and pulled her sleeve up  and with his left right hand and as Danial slowly injected a needle into Isabelle’s four arm she started to scream from the top of her lungs and started to kick her legs until Danial was finished with the injection.Then Isabelle just became paralyzed nothing.No emotion.No feeling in her eyes.No tenderness in her cheeks.Nothing 
All of a sudden the door in front of Meredith began to close and all Meredith could see was pitch black and nothing else ,as Meredith tried to fell for the cold door knob all she could feel was the oak door until she felt something cold and round ,and as Meredith turned the knob left she could feel her heart beating and each of Meredith’s we’re heavier then the other until Meredith just opened the door all the way and just took a chance .
 As Meredith took a step back in her school closet ,she seen had seen her mother in a white v-neck line , laced, knee high dress in a middle of a black room underneath a white bright light all Meredith could see was the back of her mothers head. Isabelle , Meredith’s mother’s hair was braided to the side and little curly fly aways ,Isabelle’s hair looked shiny underneath the light.Meredith didn’t even see the woman’s face all she could see was the back of her ,but she could feel in her heart that the woman in the white dress was her mother .
Meredith then closed her eyes and whispered to herself 
“God only knows what goes on in my crocked mind ,but what I know is that dreams are a part of my hope that someday I will be able to escape from reality and slowly drifted of into my own kind of insanity.The kind of insanity thats beautiful the cover up the gruesomeness in discuss’’
.When Meredith opened up her eyes she was laying down in her bed.
Meredith could see her whole room filled with sunshine with then birds chirping and all Meredith could hear was an alarm going off ,as Meredith begun to slowly sit up and looked around her room.All Meredith could see was her original room it was like nothing happened ,it was like everything that happened had never happened ,it was like everything she had a bad déjà vu but why was this happening to her.Meredith then said to herself
’’what if I as a person is going slowly insane and my human instinct is to drive myself crazy ,well then again as a human I can’t even barely explain what in the actual heaven’s name was that all was.But i’m just going to accept that fact that my mother may have to put me into an insane asylum.’’
Meredith then pushed herself out of bed and walked slowly to her glass window all Meredith was able to see was the changing of the leaves on the trees, the mistiness outside, but most importunity she could see her mothers car in the drive way, and when Meredith seen that car her eyes lit up like fires works on the Fourth of July and then ran out of her room and ran down stairs passed the kitchen and into the living room.Meredith then seen what looked like her mother from the back then hesitating and trying  to catch her breath Meredith then said with a hopeful tone’’Mom is that really you?Are u actually back?’’,the woman then turned around and it was Meredith mother.Meredith’s heart filled it happiness and the satisfaction of the accomplishment of finally being able to have her mother back in her life for good, Meredith’s mother Isabelle then said getting out of her couch and said 
“O,Meredith you’er finally awake you’ve been asleep for a few days thank heavens you’er finally awake it truly is a miracle’’
Isabelle which was Meredith’s mother was walking very slowly towards Meredith never breaking eye contact with her until Isabelle and Meredith were finally face to face and hearts to hearts.
Isabelle then pushed Meredith into her chest and was at this point holding Meredith and starting to cry hysterically and starting to gracing Meredith’s hair ,as Meredith was crying and grabbing on to her mother and placed her head gently onto Isabelle’s shoulder and whispered into her ear softly 
“Mom I never thought I would be able to feel the caring touch of you again.I thought you would be gone forever’’
 ,Isabelle than said still holding on to Meredith and swaying her back and fourth was 
“Meredith I am so sorry I have put you though a living hell and it was all because of my foolish mistakes from the fast that past that you as my daughter have finally discovered the true meaning behind life and my past it self’’.
As soon as Meredith heard what her mother had just said to her she opened her eyes and pushed away from her mother and looked her in the eye’s and said
’’WAIT!You knew this whole time about my dream escapes and you said nothing about it to me when I was younger’’
 ,Isabelle then said in a hesitation “
Look Meredith their has been something I haven't told you about.Now it’s nothing to get worked up about-‘’
 just then Meredith cut her mother off and yelled 
Just then their was silence for a few minutes while Isabelle was just looking shocked by Meredith and squinted her eyes while tilting her head forward and said 
“It was and still is my right as your mother to protect you from any harm that comes your way.I was just looking out for you, and I knew that dream escaping was going to be a huge leap for the rest of your life’’.
At this point Meredith then was starting to break into tears and said tilting her head down and closing her eyes leaning her behind against her dark blue couch while rubbing he left hand with her head and said.
‘’Yes,I understand as my mother you are supposed to protect me from harm but also as my mother your supposed to tell me things and why they happen, but I just dealt with a school massacre and déjà vu ,but no you never told me I was able to escape into dreams!’’
 .Isabelle then said softly looking straight into Meredith's eyes looking sympathetic 
“Look Meredith looking back it now I regret so many things and I know I could have done so much better to provide for you ,but I was so young when I had you , I didn’t know the first thing about becoming a mother ,my own mother kicked me out for being pregnant with you and I have no regrets having you’’.
Isabelle then said in a low tone 
“how about we site in the kitchen and anything you want to know I think I will be able to answer”,
Meredith then took a huge breath and wanted passed her mother and then walked into the kitchen. Meredith’s mother was still standing in front of her blue couch she then was able to her the chair screeching against the hard wooden floor in the kitchen Isabelle then took a long deep breath and turned to walk to the kitchen .As soon as Isabelle walked into the kitchen she seen Meredith sitting down with her hands folded tapping her right foot impatiently ,Isabelle then pulled out a chair and was sitting in front of Meredith and folded her hands while taking another deep breath and said.

“Okay Meredith I understand you have a lot of questions and I understand I remember at your age I was very curious why theses things were happening to me.I remember waking up every night and just being paralyzed with fear and this would go on well. It hasn't s stopped yet I still am able to escape into my dreams ,it was your grandmother that I got it from not your grandfather’’.Meredith’s heart stopped and then she  became white as a ghost ,she remembered her dream about her mother how young she was in that chair saying how “she is she didn’t do this her parents would lose the farm’’.
Meredith then said still folding her hands and talking in a serious tone to her mother  
“Hey mom do you mind if I asked you a question about grandma and grandpa’’ 
, Isabelle then unfolded her hands and covers Meredith’s folded hands and said in a sympathetic tone 
“Meredith the reason why you never knew your grandparents was not because they died in a car crash, it was so much earlier than that Meredith I was only eighteen when I went your father’’
,Meredith then interrupted and then said 
“Ashier right!’’ 
,Isabelle then said in a crocked smile in a whisper 
“Yes,Meredith Ashier was your father.We met while I was being transformed he tried to stop the man who was going to transform me but my parents were desperate they would do anything to save their farm, including selling their daughter to be transformed’’.
Isabelle then said 
“You see I never had a close relationship with my mother she was always tried to steal the attention away from me and always wanted the attention on her ,but I also did come for a poor back round so when my mother found out that I was a dream escaper she wanted me to be normal ,and the government was looking to transform dream escapers like me at the time and at this point my mother had my father wrapped around her finger so I don't know how but my father agreed to transform me’’.
Meredith had déjà vu again she felt as if she had already had this conformation before but how could she if none of this was real.  
Isabelle then said 
“The reasoning for your grandparents was that the town soon found out about my transformation and the whole town ended up burning my family house down ,but God had a specific reason why I wasn't with my family and ever since then I always wondered why was I not burned with the rest of my family, but I still don't know.’’
Meredith couldn't believe it Isabelle then said 
‘’Now about your father.After I was transformed they let me go home the serum was supposed to temporary but for me well I guess not.After I left I was just walking home ,Ashier was new I could tell that he had feelings for me and I did for him as well and as I  was walking he chased after me and we exchanged a few words and he offered for me to stay with him over night.
Now I now what you're thinking  and the reason why I went to stay at a strangers house was because I was planning on running away.I thought to myself why should I go home to people who don’t even love me especially my own parents.And o my he was such a gentlemen I feel in love with him, and in a blink of an eye everything came crumbling down as soon as I heard my family had died in a fire, after that I moved in with Ashier and a couple of years later I got pregnant with you’’.
Meredith couldn’t believe it everything she believed in was a lie ,her whole life was a lie, everything she thought of was a life,Meredith then asked her mother 
“Can dream escapers define time?” 
Isabelle then looked at Meredith and said
Meredith then unfolded her hands and pushed herself out of her chair as she got up she was now then standing up and as she looked into her mothers eyes she said
’’All the years you could have waited you wait to tell me now’’
.Then Meredith closed her eyes and turned her back to her mother and as Meredith was walking her mother said 
‘’When you leave can you remember me’’
,and all Meredith said was 
‘’when I leave I will not remember any of this ,all I know is I was not meant for this and until then I will choose where I want to and where I want to stay’’.
Then Meredith walked into her room and as she closed the door behind her and slowly slide her back against her door and sat down.
Meredith then lifted her knees to her face and so she could him the tears that were falling down her cheeks;Meredith then just let everything go, she let go of all the tears she held back for so long she was tired of all the fears she was holding in ,she was tired of all the stress she had in school, she was tired of all trying to be liked by everyone, she was tired of having the fear of getting left back every time she was doing something fun with her friends, she was tired of getting stepped on, getting judged, but most of all she was tried of not being able to have a close relationship with her mother.
What seemed like hours Meredith finally lifted her head to see what time it was as she looked at her clock the time was seven-twenty nine;Meredith had been sitting in her room crying on her floor for two hours and not once did her mother come in to check on her.All Meredith thought in her mind was is any of this was real, and if it was why was it happening to her even though her mother gave her life story Meredith wanted to know more of why any of this was even possible.Meredith then slowly got up from the floor and at this point the whole room was spinning Meredith then was starting to get dizzy and had to lean up against the wall it took a while ,but everything started the get back to normal.
After that Meredith opened her door and she was able to hear her mother taking in destress she couldn't make out what she was saying as Meredith walked closer to her living room Meredith then was standing in the other side of the wall so her mom would not be able to see her.Meredith then heard her mother say 
“Yes ,Diana I understand that I shouldn't have told her but I have every right to tell my daughter about my past even though it may jeopardize our relationship forever.But she may never know what actually happened to mom Diana’’.
Meredith couldn't believe her mother lied to her again every time Meredith got close to someone at the end she would always be the one to get hurt no matter what.As Meredith continued to eaves drop on her mothers conversation with her Aunt Diana and Meredith was horrified when she heard her say 
“Diana I’m going to have to go to New Jersey in a few days because my sister Giovanna is sick and she lives alone and she has the flue so i’m going to have to fly there so I was wondering if you would be able to watch Meredith for a few days’’
 ,then their was a pause and then she said 
“It’s not that much work all you would have to do is make her dinner, and make sure she does not escape her dreams;I mean I would let her stay home alone but her dream escapes have been getting worse and besides the fact that I have to take care of my sister there is something else I have to take care of .So will you watch Meredith?’’
Meredith could not believe what she was dealing with ,Meredith then thought to herself what if all the dream escapes she’s been having was her dreaming of the things that was supposed to be expected of in the future, what if this was reality but time was had on actual definition of her life, what if time just defined everyones else's life but hers, what if time for Meredith just didn't define her like everyone else .
As soon as Meredith heard her mother say
’’o my lord thank you so much’’
she knew for a fact that her ‘’Aunt’’Diana was going to watch her ,but Meredith couldn't put her fingerer on it she knew that her mother was going to New Jersey she would not come back. Meredith then blacked out had a vivid image of her mother in a plan and sitting a few rows back was a man with black sunglasses on pulling something out from his jacket pocket from the inside and it was some kind of gold pocket watch and incrusted on it were the initials V.V.
When Meredith woke up on the floor everything was blurrier the only thing she saw a figure as earthing come together she finally seen the figure was her mother petting her Isabelle then said in a soft voice smirking 
“So how long have you been standing here for?’’,
Meredith then said trying to get up holding on to the wall to support her from falling 
“Long enough to know that you are planning to go to New Jersey’’,
Meredith was leaning her back against the wall and started to take deep breath breaths.Isabelle then said.  
“Meredith I’m going to go to New Jersey for a few days to see how your Aunt Giovanna is doing.I will be staying the night due to the fact that she's sick and nobody lives with her. So I’m going to make you a sharper's pie before I leave so you don't have to binge eat even though Aunt Diana will be watching you we all know she's a horrible cook’’
Meredith then turned complete pail and said with a worried tone looking the other way 
“I think I’m going to take a quick nap’’,
just then Isabelle then said yelling and motioning her hands to stop 
“NO!You can’t’’
Meredith then turned her head to her mother but her body was facing her room she said
’’mom it’s just a twenty-six minute nap it’s not like I’m going to sleep for the whole night or is their another reason why I can’t go to sleep?’’ 
Isabelle then looked at Meredith squinting her eyes 
“Don't you dear play dumb with me little girl I know that you know that you’er a dream escaper’’
Meredith then knew for a fact that ,that woman was not her mother .Meredith then said turning her body around to face the figure that was saying she was Meredith’s mother 
“Mother how long did I black out for’’ 
the figure then said 
“o Meredith you’ve been out for a few minutes, as I was talking to your Aunt Diana on the phone I heard a loud crash and I seen you on the ground’’, 
Meredith couldn't put her finger on it she knew that lady was not who she said she was .Meredith then remembered that dream escapers can-not define time so Meredith then asked the figure 
“Hey mom what time is it?’’
 Meredith knew that her mother would be able answer this question because she was only half a dream escaper not a full one, so the figure answered 
“Meredith don't you remember I’m a dream escaper I’m not able to define time’’.
Meredith then knew for a fact that this was not her mother so Meredith not took a step back looking at the figure and said shacking her head 
“You’er not my mother’’
,the woman started laughing and the figure started to slowly transform into the man Meredith seen in her vision the man was about six feet tall with dirty blond hair that was gelled back, he was wearing a black suit that was silk, with a silk dark blue button down shirt, with dark silk jeans and was wearing black dress shoes .The man then took off his black sunglasses only to show his dark blue eyes.
Meredith then said in shock 
“you’er the man I seen in my vision weren't you’’,
the man then walked closer to Meredith and said with a smirk 
“you would think that I’m the bad guy but really I actually the good guy ,you actually didn't see everything didn't you now sugar cube’’
 the man was speaking  in a western accent Meredith could see the ugliness behind his beauty he was like the devil once beautiful and still is but tempts those who are easy to be tempted by.
Meredith then walked closer to him and said
’’well if you’er the good guy I suppose you could tell my were my mother is and if this is one of my dreams that I escaped to and-‘’
 the man cut Meredith off short and said
’’well you see sugar cub I’d love to answer all of you’er lovely questions but I think she we should I don't know maybe sit’’ .
Meredith then said in a surprised way 
“o my I’m so sorry here follow me’’ 
Meredith then started to talk in front of the man until they got to Meredith’s dark blue coach the man then sat down ,as Meredith followed him and sat on the other coach in front of the man and finally said 
“Now if you don’t mind me asking who are you?’’
 the man then said
’’listen sugar cube before you ask any further questions I’ll save you your breath and say the basic things you need to know about me my name is Dax ,and I think I know were your mother is ,but you’er not in our little silly dream. When you had that image about your mother on the plane I had entered your image cause I knew that you were a dream escaper because your grandmother had sold your mother to my father to transform her
And I was just a little boy when the government was transforming people and yes my father worked for the government things were worse back then “
Meredith then said starting to get annoyed 
“but that doesn’t explain why I’m here and where my mother is’’
Dax then reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out the same golden pocket watch that Meredith had seen in her image.
Dax held the watch in front of Meredith and said in a hopeful tone 
“Meredith do you recognize this watch’’,
Meredith then looked into Dax’s beautiful crystal clear dark blue eyes and said
“Dax how do you know my name?’’,
Dax looked into Meredith’s eyes and said 
“well you see sugar cube I should know everyones names because well lets just say I’m very important, so as I asked you before have you seen this pocket watch before?’’,
Meredith couldn't put her finger on it but their was something about Dax that had a spark to him.
Meredith took a deep breath and said with an annoyed look 
“Yes ,I seen the pocket watch I'm my image .You were in the six fifth row behind my mother and you were wearing black sunglasses with a black dress jacket ,and red button down shirt with your sleeves rolled up , with light blue denim fabric ,and  black dress shoes’’
Meredith was starting to feel a strange tingling in her arm ,as she rolled up her sleeve she seen a mark slowly appear on her right arm the once the symbol was complete .
Dax got up and walked up to Meredith and grabbed her hand to see what the symbol was  what Dax seen was a half triangle with tow humps inside  ,Dax looked at Meredith and said 
“well I’ll be dammed you finally transformed fully sugar cube’’
Meredith got up out of shock and yanked her arm away from Dax and yelled 
Dax grabbed Meredith’s wrist to explain to her what the symbol meant as Dax traced his finger on the lines that made up the symbol he explained
”hey sugar cube it’s nothing to get worked up about here the line that looks like a half triangle means that you were once half but the line with the two humps inside the half triangle means that the two half’s of your life are know complete.’’
Meredith looked the other way and said with hesitation while closing her eyes and said 
‘’I don't understand what you’re talking about how am I complete’’
Dax gently grabbed Meredith by the chin and looked her in the eyes and said 
“You’re a complete dream escaper ,you once were half but know your whole your father was a whole human but your mother was a whole dream escaper so you where half and half until now’’
Meredith’s eye’s widen’ed once she earned about her father and grabbed Dax’s wrist and said’’ wait you knew my father’’ Dax then took a step back from Meredith and cleared his thought ,and said
’’well you see once their was a boy who’s family was well known.The boys father once explained to him about dream escapers and normal people ,the boys father then started to hire people to transform people with a venom .
One day the boys father had a meeting with a local woman ,the woman wanted to sell her daughter for one million dollars to transform her ,and the boys father agreed.Then the father of the boy hired one more man a special one to transform the daughter when the man got the job his first task was to transform the daughter but when he first lade eyes on the daughter he couldn't bring himself to transform her so he switched the venom with a temporary one so she would be able to pass the test.At the end the man and daughter fall in love and had a beautiful daughter’’.
Meredith lifted her head and said softly to Dax 
“was the boy happy?’’
 Dax then smirked and said 
“once the boys fathers finally found out that the boy and his mother were dream escapers the boys father just kept it a secret so in a way yes the boy was happy’’
.Meredith then sat down on the coach and started grinning while looking down and playing with her finger nail and said to Dax not looking at him 
“it’s kinda funny how I can relate to the boy and the reason behind that is overtime I get close to people but I’m the one who is going to get hurt, so I guess you can say that my relationships with people are like a broken proline doll it once was beautiful and had potential, but once it’s not taken care of and gets neglected it breaks’’.
Dax then walked over to Meredith and all she was able to see was Dax’s shoes due to the fact that Meredith had her head down in order to hide he face from Dax.Dax then said 
“about your mother’’
once Meredith heard those words she lifted her head and said 
“what about my mother’’
Dax said “the vision you had about your mother’’
 Meredith was starting to get annoyed and rolled her eyes at Dax and said 
“WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MOTHER, please I need to know’’.
Once Meredith lower her voice Dax was starting to lean down to level with Meredith  look her in the eyes and said holding her hand 
“Meredith the vision you had about you mother in the plane that was real.Your mother didn't make it’’
Meredith couldn't believe what she was hearing she was shacking her head as Dax was saying everything once Dax stopped talking Meredith was tearing up and then all at once she let everything thing out. This was not the first time Meredith was heartbroken at her family Member,Dax then grabbed Meredith by the shoulder and stood her up and she was starting to hold Meredith as he was grabbing him by the shirt for dear life. 
 Dax then started to rub Meredith’s back and at this point they were rocking side to side like a cradle,Dax wasn't sure if he actually was starting to have feeling for Meredith but if he was he knew for a fact that him and Meredith could never have a future together .They both came from different worlds no matter how much they could have tried to make it work Dax just never aloud himself to fall in love.
Meredith was hugging Dax underneath his silk jacket and at this point Meredith could feel Dax’s abs .Meredith didn’t think much if it ,but if anything she knew that a good looking man like Dax already had a good looking girl, once Meredith calmed down she pushed herself off of Dax ,Dax then walked away from Meredith into the kitchen were he yelled out to Meredith 
“Hey sugar cube were do you keep the wine?”
 ,Meredith then walked into the kitchen were she seen Dax in front of the cabinet and she said sniffling 
“We don't have any wine my mom never drank except for special occasions”.
Dax walked closer to Meredith so he was able to cup his hands around her face and gently wiped the tears away from her face. Dax then said
’’well sugar cube were not in your little dream world were in what as normal people would call it the tempus vitae’’
Meredith smirked and said
’’I didn't know you spoke latin”
as Dax removed his hands from Meredith’s face he said
’’well I guess you did know what I said then sugar cube, so this is just a guess but I’m guessing you speak latin”.
Meredith smiled and rolled her eyes and said 
“well if you must know I do speak latin and as a matter of fact I did know what you said but that does not excuse the fact how and why my mother dies’’
Dax closed his eyes and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and four finger and said in his western accent 
“look super cube I don't think you should be interfering with this kind of life but you’ve gotten this fare so I might as well explain to you everything you need to know about the life you’er going to live”.
Meredith took a step back to lean on the refrigerator and as Dax looked at Meredith he took a deep breath and said 
“while you had that image of your mother on the plan I knew you thought that I was the bad guy but really I wasn't I knew that same thing was going to happen I guess you could say I got drown to it.Any ways as I took out my pocket watch when I was about to redo the plan crash it made a tare from the normal world to this world so the reason why I shifted into your mother was because it was a test to see how much you actually remembered.’’Meredith crossed her arms and said rising her eye brows “wait  the reason why you clicked your pocket watch was because you  tried to save my mom, but from whom exactly?’’
Dax looked to the left and said 
“somnium curserus’’
 Meredith frowned and said tilting her head 
“whom are dream runners?”
Dax smirked and said 
“somnium curserus are dream escapers who escape dream from dream but somnium curserus are also dream escapers who were once transformed but the venom didn't work on them just like your mother”.
At the point Meredith looked very annoyed and said
 “that still doesn't answer why did you have to use your pocket watch?”
Dax looked back at Meredith and said in an annoyed tone 
“I had to use my pocket watch on the dream runner because he was going to make a crack in time and it would send our whole world into an endless worm hole”
Meredith slowly was starting to walk up to Dax building up the tension between them and once Meredith was face to face with Dax Meredith said with a disappointing smirk while she lifted up her eye brow 
“so theirs no way I’m able to go back home?’’
Dax looked down in disappointment Meredith starting walking back while she was shacking her head Meredith then said
’’so in the normal world I’m dead”
Dax looked up at Meredith and said
’’no you're technically sleeping but your mother died in the plan crash .The only thing that is keeping you in the dream world is me”
.At this point Meredith kept her distance from Dax Meredith wasn't sure how to react to the situation to fill in the silence Dax said “say something”.
Everything was starting to come together the only thing keeping her from reality was the Dax .He was the reason why Meredith wasn't able to go back to the real wold Meredith then said 
“Dax you're the reason why I’m not able to go back to reality”
Dax’s eyes were starting to turn into a lighter blue .Meredith couldn't believe what she was seeing as Meredith was starting to walk to Dax Meredith said
 “your eyes.Their a light blue’’
once Meredith was face to face with Dax once again she gently put cupped her right hand on Dax’s chin as she looked deeply into his eyes their was silence for a few and Dax lifted his right arm only to cover Meredith’s hand as Dax was rubbing his face on Meredith’s soft gentle hand said 
“Were the only two people in this world and I just never aloud myself to fall in love with anyone even though we only just meet a couple of hours ago I think I’m in love with you.’’
Meredith’s heart stopped as she heard the words I love you come out of someones mouth for her.Meredith took her hand off of Dax’s face and grabbed Dax’s cheeks and placed his forehead on her forehead and as Meredith could feel Dax’s breath in her face and the tenderness and care of him she said closing her eyes in a whisper 
“were not aloud to fall in love .I’m not aloud to fall in love’’.
Dax then said to Meredith grabbing her by the waist as Meredith was rubbing the back of Dax’s head 
“I don’t care.I once feel in love I know I’m capable of doing it again with the right girl”
Meredith giggled and said
’’this is just a guess but due to your accent I’m guessing your form Idaho?’’.
Then their was a pause and then Dax laughed and said 
“close but no sugar cube I’m from Montana home to the official state flower which is the bitterroot flower”.
Meredith then pushed her body against Dax’s as she placed her head on his shoulder ,while he rubbed her backs ,as she rubbed the back of his head using her finger nails ,and Dax placing his head on her shoulder gently.
 And as both were hugging Meredith thought to herself was some man worth her whole life ,was she going to sell her soul to the devil for love that would only go so far, was she going to sell her normal life of someone she had no idea what was capable of even love.
Meredith closed her eyes and said to Dax 
“Hey Dax I don't know if my life is worth any of this” Dax then pushed his body off of Meredith’s and looked her in the face and asked ,what do you mean?’’
Meredith then looked at Dax and said raising her voice 
“Dax we just meet and I don't know if I can sell my whole life for you”
 Dax then grabbed Meredith’s hands and he said 
“Meredith I know that once in everyones life their will always be someone that will be able to guide you through darkness and I think that I can be your light”
Meredith starred tearing and said 
“if you were my light you would bring me back to sanity but the few hours that you have been here were the best few hours of my life and I promised myself I would not fall in love” .Once one tear fell down Meredith’s left cheek she closed her eyes and said in a whisper “love is like fear it is made of something bigger then it already is but the bigger the thing is the smaller you feel compared to how big everything seems”
Dax then said 
“if love was fear how come you can’t concur your fear?’’.
   Once Meredith heard Dax say that she let go of his hands and left the kitchen to go into her room ,as Meredith was walking inside her room she could hear Dax follow her into her room.As Meredith walked inside her room she sat on the right side of the bed and rested her arms on her legs while she rubbed the back of her neck and thought to herself how much more she was able to take .
Once Dax waited outside Meredith’s open door he knocked and asked if 
“he could come in’’
 Meredith laughed and said
“Sure cowboy make yourself at home”.
Meredith was able to hear the loud foot steps Dax was making with his shoes and as Dax was walking around Meredith room he said being dazzled 
“wow sugar cube nice room”.
Meredith rolled her eyes and said 
still looking down at her floor as Dax moved Meredith’s curtains to look outside he noticed that it was dark out Dax then asked 
“Hey sugar cube do you know what time it is?”
Meredith then lifted up her head and turned her head to look at Dax and once she seen him on the left side of the window looking outside she said 
“Remember dream escapers cant define time”.
Dax just continued to look at Meredith but this time his eyes were dark blue again and Dax said in a sturdy tone 
“that doesn't answer my question now does it.I’ll ask you one more time what time is it?”Meredith looked at Dax with a confused look and moved her body to the right side of the bed by scooting over and once Meredith was facing Dax in her bed she crossed her legs and rested her arms on her legs while Dax was still waiting for an answer and once Meredith was comfortable she lifted her head up to look at Dax and said in a jolly tone “Dax if you don't mind me asking why are you in such a bad mood?”.
Dax started taping his right foot against the hard wooden floor which made an echoing sound and as Meredith started to roll her eyes she said 
“again I have no idea what time it is because I could never tell time no matter how hard I tried I just could never tell any kind of time and now I know why and its because I’m a dream escaper”.
Once Dax stopped tapping his foot he walked over to Meredith and leaned both of his hands against the bed right next to Meredith and was once again face to face with her.
Dax was able to smell the Meredith’s scent which was daisy’s and Meredith was able to smell Dax’s scent ,Dax smelt like mint’s and woodsy like.As Dax closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose so he was able to smell Meredith’s scent Meredith was very intimidated by him once Dax his eyes he could tell he was intimidating Meredith so Dax said with a smirk 
“hey sugar cube I intimidate you don't I”Meredith then looked into Dax’s eyes and when what she say was his eyes turn into a light blue .Meredith was petrified to even be in the same room with Dax at this point in time so to clear the air Meredith said “Dax I know your the devil.Your able to tempt people with just a look .Your scent lures people to you.Your dashing yet classy look makes other people think that your sophisticated.People think that you're an angel .But really you're the devil’s nightmare.’’
Dax then leaned closer to Meredith and looked deeply into her eyes like he was staring into her soul and said looking at her pale lips 
“I wonder if the devil was tempted at one point of his life instead of being to tempter all the time”
Dax was able to hear the quiver of Meredith as she was breathing.And as Dax smirked just seeing a pure innocent girl just quiver he said getting closer to Meredith’s face 
“the devil was a beautiful man and still is but what if the devil had a lover that no one knew about”.
Dax then grabbed the back of Meredith’s head and said while he was breathing in Meredith’s mouth and said 
“one thing the devil was known for was tempting people what if I was the devil and you were being tempted by me”
Meredith then bit the bottom of her lip and closed her eyes as she was prepared for the worst.Meredith was able to feel Dax getting closer to her face as she felt the heat of his face against hers.
Dax then rubbed his cheek against hers ,his skin felt like silk, his scent empowered her, and his hands against her hair sent multiple chills running down her bony spine .Dax wanted to kiss Meredith but he knew that if he did he would not be able to forgive himself for breaking Meredith’s heart ,the gentle touch of Meredith set Dax off, the same way Dax set Meredith off .Dax then said to Meredith continuing to rub her head while he was still against her cheek 
“Meredith as the man in this situation I promise you that I will watch over you even though I’m the devil when it comes to you I will die for you”.
As Meredith was about to say something Dax went for it and pushed his lips against Meredith’s Dax’s soft velvet lips pushed up against Meredith’s soft pale lips Meredith began to kiss Dax back and Dax became more confident and began to gently stroke Meredith’s hair until Dax stopped before he would not be able to any longer .Dax pushed his forehead up against Meredith’s as they both took deep breath’s Dax said in-between his breaths 
“I’m so sorry”
,Meredith grin and said in-between her breaths 
“don’t be it was my first one”.
Dax began to blush as he said smiling ear to ear 
“and hopefully I’ll be your last”
Meredith wasn't sure why any of this was happing to her but she didn't want to know the reason behind it once Dax and Meredith were able to breath Dax got on the bed with Meredith and once Dax was comfortable laying down on his back he grabbed Meredith by the waist and tugged her to lay down on his chest.As Meredith placed her head on Dax’s chest she was able to hear his heart beat getting fast she was also able to fell his abs ,Dax began to place his hand down Meredith shirt so he was able to rub her back ,he was able to feel Meredith soft skin that was warm.
Dax then said to Meredith as he stared up at the ceiling 
“Meredith there is a way to go back to the real world I just wanted you to myself for a little bit before I had to let you go”,
once Meredith heard those words she clenched Dax’s shirt and said 
“I wan to stay here with you for a little bit longer just the two of us alone”.
Soon as Meredith and Dax’s body shared warmth they soon drifted off to a blissful sleep were both dream escapers did not escape to any dreams for which they were in their own dreams.
Meredith felt warm and safe being in Dax’s arms but she knew that it wouldn't last forever.Once Meredith opened up her eyes she was still in Dax’s arms and in the same position as she was when she fell asleep,Meredith couldn't believe that Dax fell asleep in his suit and once Dax opened up his the first thing he noticed was that Meredith wasn't in his arms as Dax sat forward he yelled out Meredith’s name but not answer .Meredith seen that Dax was in shock but as Meredith said yes to every time Dax called out her name but their would be silence once Dax got out of bed as walked out of Meredith room Meredith yelled 
But their was no answer once Meredith got out go bed and stepped on to her hard wooden floor she slowly disappeared and at this point Meredith had no idea what was going to happen next.Once Meredith came to she was in the kitchen sitting on the right side of the table ,sitting on her right side was her cousin June who was dressed in a strapless mini black dress with black three inch heels with her blond hair curled down and her lips red as an apple and eyes black as a ravens feather.
But on the other hand Meredith cousin who was sitting on left side of her May was wearing a blue v neck cotton blend knee high dress with black sneakers ,her ginger hair was tied up into a ponytail.May wasn't wearing a whole lot of makeup she was only wearing a little bit of pink blush ,with a blush pink lipstick ,and a little mascara. Meredith was very confused to as why she was sitting with her two cousins and no one else.
     As Meredith turned her head to the left to face May ,May was just talking and laughing on the other side of table like she was talking to someone ,as Meredith placed her hand on Mays shoulder and shook it and said
’’May whats going on?’’
 May just continued to talk and Meredith said again louder 
“May what the hell is going on’’
May stopped talking and turned her head to faced Meredith and grabbed Meredith’s wrist and said “how dare you talk to your cousin like that
“Who the hell do you think you are”
May then got up and still grabbing Meredith’s wrist and pulled Meredith up and forced Meredith to the ground and once Meredith was on the floor grabbing her wrist and starting to sob as May grabbed Meredith chin May looked Meredith in the eyes and said 
“that will show you that you don't screw me like that’’.
As Meredith was still sobbing .May then grabbed Meredith by the hair and pulled her up and started to drag Meredith on the floor once Meredith fell to the floor she had seen all of her family gathering around round the table and started to laugh and point their fingers and Meredith grabbed her hair and started kicking and yelling through her tears and yelled 
As Meredith was dragged into her room by the hair ,by her cousin she then got dragged into her room and then got shoved into the wall as Meredith curled up into a ball she looked as May who was breathing heavy and said 
“who the hell do you think  you are talking me like that .Do you know who I am ?I’m you cousin Meredith Foster and for you to talk to be with such disrespect is so disgusting that it makes me throw up ,but you know what you should know that I’m your mothers favorite because you over stayed your welcome and that’s very rude so it’s about time you relies who really its loved more”
Meredith then said hesitating to breath 
“why are you doing this?”
May then laughed and said 
“o my dear little cousin who could ever look a dream escaper like you and yes I do know your little secret and it is disgusting to know I’m even the siltiest bit related to you”
May then grabbed Meredith by the hair and Meredith started to kick and yell again and as May Stuck Meredith head out the window Meredith was able to feel the cool breath and the trees with out their leaves and then Meredith was able to feel her whole body being pushed out the widow.
At this point Meredith’s life flashed before her eyes ,everything was in slow motion and all Meredith was able to feel was the wind in her hair and once Meredith hit the ground she heard many people laugh and yell Meredith couldn't make out who the people were but as Meredith closed her eyes she knew that she wasn't going to die.She knew that couldn't die she was a dream escaper she couldn't define time ,as Meredith closed her eyes for which seemed like ages she finally opened her eyes to the sighted of Dax looking at her with a smile and as Meredith lead forward and looked and Dax and said 
“Dax what the actually hell happened?”.
Dax then pushed Meredith back and said in a soft tone smiling and rubbing Meredith’s back head 
“sugar cub listen you skipped a dream backward”
Meredith’s eyes then widened and said with concern 
“what the hell do you mean skip a dream I was with you and then and then I was’’
Meredith couldn't even finish her sentence because her dream escape was so tariffing so she started and tear and as Dax rubbed the back of her head as he was on the floor kneeling upward and said 
“sugar cub when you skip a dream backwards it means you escaped into a dream when you died it’s totally normal for new dream escapers”.
Meredith was very confused due to the fact that she remembered specifically not being able to leave the dream she was in with Dax she said 
“Dax I remember you told me I wasn't able to leave this dream”
Dax then grinned and said 
“sugar cub even time doesn't  have the power to separate us but you have the power to separate us”
Meredith closed her eyes and said 
“my fear is the fact that their will always be a tomorrow”
Dax then pushed Meredith closer and kissed her forehead and said 
“I fear that we will always have to have a future were we will know that we will always be in some kind of hell”.
Meredith then closed her eyes and said 
“as long as were in reality we will always have a hell’’ 
Dax then grabbed Meredith’s hands and lifted her out of bed and as Dax started to walk out of Meredith room as he held Meredith hand tight he said 
“I want to show you something”
As Dax lead Meredith to into the living room where Dax grabbed Meredith by the shoulder s  and placed her in front of him were Meredith was now in front on her window. All Meredith was able to see was her dark blue cotton fabric curtness and once Dax pushed the right side of the curtain and Meredith was astonished to see her reflection staring back at her nothing else just Meredith face, and as Meredith slowly placed her left hand on the stain glass window Meredith saw her reflection do the same thing.
The  reason why Meredith was thrown off to as why she was seeing a clear frame of reference of herself.Just as Meredith turned her head to face Dax she said in a beam 
“Dax this is inconceivable how is this even the slightest bite possible”
as her eyes lit up like a bonfire on the Fourth of July Dax grinned like a little boy finding a nickel on the side of the road and said 
“sugar cube the time dimension shows the reflection of people but the dimension it self has no meaning to it’s true insanity within the others reflections”
Meredith then placed her hand on Dax’s dove-like jaw as Dax grabbed Meredith by the waist and pulled her closer as Meredith looked into Dax’s eyes she asked 
“Dax what does V.V stand for?’’
Dax then grinned and chuckled a little as he kneeled his head down and said in his western accent 
“sugar cube Dax isn’t my real name”
Meredith’s eyes almost popped out of her head once he said that.Meredith formally lifted Dax’s head and said 
“Dax what the hell are you talking about?’’
just as Meredith knew something wasn't completely coming together Meredith squinted at Dax ,and as Dax started to get into a serious mode the ora of the area around Meredith’s “house”started to change.
Dax  then said still looking at Meredith
“the letters V.V are the initials for my real name which is Vance Vecross ”
Meredith then said with a curious and a tad bit suspicious look on her face 
“so when we first meet why did you tell me your name was Dax?’’
 Dax tried to say the real reason why he didn't say his real and when he finally came to he said
’’when you enter the real world you take the form of someone else and in my case my father is the court layer for the time dimension”.
Meredith was new to the whole time dimension thing so she had to get used to it .Meredith had so many questions and once Meredith opened her mouth Vance then said 
“I bet you have a shit tone of questions huh?”
Meredith was shocked and said with a smirk
”how did you know?”
Dax rolled his eyes and said 
“in the time dimension you can always read the minds of others.You think about me a lot”Meredith could feel her cheeks start to burn up and as she looked down and said”
in theory I guess I do”
Vance then lifted Meredith head  so he could see her and said 
“hey sugar cube you shouldn’t be embarrassed plenty of girls think about me a lot .If you couldn't tell I have quite the reputation for being quite the looker”
Meredith then rolled her and said 
“look Romeo you are quite the looker I will agree on that ,but you also are quite full of yourself”
Vance then rolled his eyes and then grabbed Meredith’s right hand and lifted it above her and twirled her once Meredith finally faced Vance she said to him raising both eye brows
“you’re not convincing either sadly’’.
Vance then grabbed Meredith by the waist and pulled her closer at the point Meredith and Vance where face to face ,Meredith was able to feel Vance’s breath it felt warm and moist and as Vance looked at Meredith lips he leaned closer to her and when their lip’s meet it was lip a spark lighting up a whole city but Meredith knew what she was getting herself into once she got involved with a forbidden love especially with the fact that his father was the lawyer of the time dimension.
Meredith then pushed herself off of Vance and said looked pissed 
“Dax what the fuck is wrong with you I fucking cant deal with you being on top of me always it’s getting to me and the fact that you lied about your name just says that you’ re the type of person to lie about everything  else”
 Vance never realized how hot Meredith was when she was mad but if he kept on pushing Meredith’s buttons he knew he would loose all of her so as he turned his back to Meredith and started walking Meredith was fead up to the point were as Vance was walking she chased him to her room and once Vance was in Meredith’s room and their were face to face once again he said 
“I know girls like you and I know for a fact that you’r never going to be satisfied even once you have me sugar cube so why don't you do yourself a favor and get the hell out of my sight”.
As Vance slammed the door in Meredith’s face Meredith was just standing outside her door speckless .Meredith felt a little disappointed but she didn't know why ,Meredith then thought to herself maybe he was just doing this to get inside my head so as Meredith turned her back and started walking to the living room she just stood in the middle of the living room were she faced the coffee table and had her back turned to the coach and said 
“listen I have no fucking clue who the hell I’m talking to but who ever’s listening I have no fucking idea what to do”
Meredith then looked at the ground and sighed she nodded and said 
“I can’t .I cant fucking deal with the fact that I cant go to sleep.You know what fuck the rules.The rules are just a way to keep me from going outside.”
Meredith then walked to her coach and slowly laid down and closed her eyes and she slowly drifted off to sleep knowing that at this point she would do anything to escape this place where people come to die once Meredith fell asleep and all she was able to see was nothing more than pure hollow black misty people walking around in what seemed to be a small town.The air was thick and damp and it tasted like salt ,as Meredith was walking around all she seen was fog and the shadows of people.The people Meredith seen were floating more then walking ,and Meredith couldn't put her finger on it but she knew something wasn't right.
As Meredith walked around she was able to see an old gray building with thick fog surrounding it, their was no figure walking around the building so as Meredith walked towards the building the air was so intoxicating and the soil that Meredith was walking on was clumpy and wet.Once Meredith got to the gray building their was no door so all Meredith was able to see was nothing more than a black voayed in the distance Meredith wasn't sure if she could do this and once she took a deep breath she walked into the building.Meredith seen a glowing orb in front of her Meredith then heard her mother’s voice say in a whisper 
As Meredith called out 
the glowing orb was going someone as Meredith chased it she was able to hear the creaking of wood get louder and louder until the orb finally disappeared and Meredith didn't know what her next move was she called out 
Meredith could hear a thousand voices say so many things at once and as Meredith listened she could hear all the voices say 
“your mother is here’’
once Meredith heard that she said in the most quietest tone
 ,but as the voices continued to yell Meredith was feed up and yelled
.At this point everything became quite Meredith could feel her heart beat out of her chest and a cold sweat come over her as she seen nothing but black .Meredith didn't know if she would make it out alive or if she would die.
As Meredith took to steps forward she seen a blue sparkle towards the front of her as Meredith ran forward to the light as Meredith finally reached the front of the light ,the light look as if it came form the water due to the fact that the blue light moved like waves from the sea ,and the glistening sparkles swam with the waves and as Meredith gently placed her hand against the  cold blue water she was so hypnotized by how beautiful it was she slowly walked into the blue water and after that Meredith didn't know what was going to happen next.
As Meredith slowly opened her eyes and blink a few times she knew something wasn't right due to the fact that she was not able to feel her body as Meredith was able to regain her consciousness she seen her mother laying beside her on the cold green grass that their were fields of.As Meredith turned her head to the left to face her mother she said 
“Mom where have you been?”
and as Meredith was just about to reach out for her mothers hand her mother disappeared and the green grass slowly turned into dust as Meredith slowly felt her body dissolve slowly into the dust.
As Meredith was about to completely sink into the dust she could feel someone or something grab her by the shirt under the dust and sink her down faster into the dust as Meredith held her breath she closed her eyes and what felt like forever she opened up her eyes and she was back in her bed with her mother towards the end of her bed staring at her with concern .As Meredith could feel her head pounding like a hammer pounding a nail she placed her head against her head and all Meredith could hear was her mother coming closer to her as she closed her eyes to hear what her mother was going to say but their was silence for what felt like eternity until Meredith opened her eyes.
Meredith seen Vance hover over her with a very concerned look and as Meredith said 
Vance looked at Meredith and said
“No what?’’
Meredith could feel her body tingle as she said 
“I’m a dream runner, and I can't help it I can't deal with the fact that I have to be stuck here with some guy who is in as much illegal trouble as I am so you know what dream runner or not I’m leaving”
As Meredith pushed herself up of her coach she walked righted passed Vance ,as he grabbed Meredith’s boney wrist he pulled her to him and as Meredith look to the hard wooden floor all she seen was her red ankle sneakers ,and Vance’s light brown cashmere shoes with light brown shoe laces.Meredith was able to feel Vance’s grip still tight light a rope on a boat, once Meredith gazed up at Vance he smirked and said 
“Hey sugar cube you’re not getting away that easily”
Meredith started blushing as she looked into Vance’s dark blue eyes and said 
“new shoes”
Vance was still holding on the Meredith’s wrist like a ball and chain and answered
‘’well a man never knows when he’s going to use his shoes”
Meredith motioned with her eyes to Vance and then to him holding her wrist tight and as Meredith widened her eyes like she was expecting an answer she said 
“Do you mind”
Vance then let go of Meredith wrist and as Meredith look down at her wrist she was able to see a red hand mark on her wrist from were Vance was holding her from .As Meredith bowed her head and said 
“thank you’’’
she walked started to walk into the kitchen which lead to the hallway and as Meredith walked into the hallway she noticed something she had not noticed before.As Meredith was looking at her family photos that were lined up in a box frame Meredith noticed that the bottom left photo did not include any photo it was just a plain white frame hanging up on the grey wall ,Meredith noticed the other three photos were the same there was no photo just a white frame.
As Meredith began to lift up the white frame she had no idea what was her next idea was.The first idea that popped into Meredith head was maybe Vance was pulling a prank on her but it was something much bigger than a prank ,Meredith couldn't take it anymore as she just stared at the white frame she called out 
“Vance you need to come check this out’’
as Meredith could hear Vance’s foot steps getting closer and closer, the sound of a hard stomping on the hard wood floor echoed the hallway until Meredith could see a black shadow appear until she seen Vance in the middle of the hallway in his black silk suit with a baby blue dress shirt ,and black dress pants ,with black dress shows that were made out of leather.As Vance was just gawking at her with his hand’s folded in front of him he said 
“well sugar cube you finally came around”
as he smirked Meredith was starting to get annoyed and said 
“no genius”
Vance’s started to look confused and said with a frown 
“then what is it?’’
Meredith motioned with her hand to Vance to come towards her and as Vance did the creaking of the wood filled the air as it sounded like a thousand ghost moaning.Once Vance was standing next to Meredith he was able to see Meredith holding some kind of white frame, and Vance was very confused to as why Meredith was holding a frame that seemed to be completely normal Vance was trying to figure out what was in front of him he said 
‘’what am I looking at”
Meredith though that if Vance couldn't see what she seen then he would not understand what she was seeing as Meredith then lifted the frame to place it back she placed it on a silver hook and once the frame was back on the wall she said 
Vance was very confused and was starting to get very annoyed and as he seen Meredith just staring at a frame with a perfectly normal frame he was staring at the frame trying to analyze it very hard.As Vance soon gave up he said 
‘’nice frame.Are you going to put a picture in it?”
once Meredith heard those words she looked and Vance and squinted her eyes and siltiest bit and said 
“What did you just say?”
Vance pointed to the picture with his slender finger and repeated 
“the frame.Are you going to put a photo in it or”
Meredith wasn't sure if Vance knew what he was saying and Meredith knew if Vance answerd the question she was about to ask correctly he had something to do with her mothers death.As Meredith licked her lips she moved so she was able to face Vance and looked at him as she asked 
“Vance can I ask you something and be completely be honest when I ask you this’’
‘’it depends on the question”Vance said nervously 
“did you have something to do with my mothers death?”
a cold chill ran though Vance’s spine as Meredith asked him that question ,he wasn't sure what to say because if he told  the truth he could be killed by his father ,but if he lied he would put his whole family at risk of being exposed for who they really were which were lying, manipulating, cheating, evil people with no souls who knew they were the most powerful family.Either way he was in a trap that he could not get out of.
So as Meredith was standing in front of him crossing her arms as she was tapping her left she was looked as if she was waiting in for a really long line of some sort until Vance blurred out the first thing that popped into his head which was
“My father”
Meredith stopped tapping her and softened her look and said 
‘’what about your father’’
“as you know my father along with my whole family is very powerful and my father has codes to unlocking things you never dreamt of before”
Meredith wasn't sure whats she was getting herself into but she though was it worth it as Meredith said
“you know what Dax I cant deal with you right now.Or ever I’m leaving’’
and as Meredith turned her back she left the sigh of Vance once again and as Meredith gabbed her door she slammed the door behind her and locked it.Meredith was so confused with herself she had no idea what she was going to do with herself or what her next plan was until she looked at her bed that was made for some reason ,Meredith had not been in her room for such a long time she felt as if she needed to just get a feel for it until Meredith slowly walked to get bed as she placed her right knee on her bed she placed her whole body on her soft comforter ,as she placed her head on her soft pillow she closed her eyes and she all at once feel asleep.
Once Meredith opened her eyes she appeared to be in some kind of tank full of room tempture water ,but the odd thing was Meredith was able to breath perfectly fine under the water as she did on the surface.As MeredChapter1:The Beginning                           
As Meredith Main was walking down the block on the right side she could see the leaves falling off of the trees and it was breaking into dawn , as a gust of wind blew to the left of her she could see a blurry figure across the block as the figure was walking closer and closer she soon realized it was Austin Taya , Austin Taya was Meredith’s old friend since the first grade . Meredith never thought that boys  were the main priority in life, ever since Meredith was a little girl her dream has always been to achieve her life goal of becoming an actress , as Austin passed Meredith he smiled at her but all she could really do was look down at the cracked  grey concrete ground full of colorful leaves and not make eye contact . 
When  Meredith reached her house she looked down and open her bag and searched for her keys when she found them she took them and opened the door .When she got inside her house  she put the keys on the table right when she walked in, afterwords Meredith closed the door behind her and yelled 
, but no answer as Meredith walked into the kitchen while taking her blue wool jacket off she placed it on a chair. 
As Meredith was about to open the refrigerator  a note was taped on the refrigerator and the note said ,
‘’Dear Meredith , Hi it’s your mother I'm sorry I went out to New Jersey to see how your Aunt Giovanna is doing . I will be staying the night at her house  due to the fact that she's sick and nobody else lives with her, so theirs shepherds pie in the fridge all you have to do is heat it up  in the microwave .I’m sorry but this was last minute I also had to take care of some business it’s nothing important I just had to meet an old friend of mine it’s honestly nothing to worry your pretty little head about Love Always, Mother’’ 
. Meredith was very confused to as why her mother would go all the way to New Jersey just to see how a relative was doing 
Meredith did understand it was for a good reason why she had to leave. Meredith  and her mother lived in California so Meredith thought how silly it actually was to travel 560 miles just to see how a relative was doing it just didn't make sense at all it was just probably a cold .
After Meredith finished reading the note she placed it on the table beside her and opened the fridge to see what was inside she could eat all that was in the refrigerator was a shepherds pie on a black marble plate and it was covered with plastic wrapping and on top of it , it said with  black marker “DINNER’’, Meredith’s bottom was  leaning on the table , with her right hand she was holding the refrigerator door open and hunching over to see what was on the bottom shelf nothing appealed to Meredith
. After a while  Meredith closed the refrigerator door and thought to herself what else was there to eat Meredith than walked over to the cabinet and scanned her eyes around to see what could she eat. All that Meredith saw in front of her was a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch ,and behind that was a box of rice as Meredith was looking for something to eat her stomach started to growl and then Meredith gave up on looking for something to eat and closed to cabinet door and walked down the hall to her. 
Room and as she opened her door all of a sudden Meredith got this strange feeling she was being watched as Meredith opened the door she slowly turned her head back looking to see if anyone was behind her and their wasn't .The first thing Meredith did when she got in her room was take off her shoes , so as  Meredith sat on her black comforter she put one foot up on top of her knee and started to untie her white shoelaces , after her shoelaces were untied she grabbed her heel of the shoe and the front of her shoe and yanked it off and as Meredith’s shoe fell to the hard wood floors Meredith couldn't shack the feeling off that she was being watched by someone. 
Meredith was the type of person to ignore the feelings she had about anything at all since Meredith was in her Freshman year of high school she had a handful of crushes, but none of them were able to top Austin Taya , due to the fact that Austin and Meredith had known each other their whole lives Meredith always had feelings for him but she never knew it just till recently when she seen him on the Avenue riding his bike . When Meredith was in fourth grade she had to transfer school and she never seen Austin until a few days ago , after that Meredith never knew how Austin had turned out to be like she was scared that he was a jerk or a player so Meredith had forced herself not to fall in love with him but her feelings for him grew every time she either seen him or thought about him which was often but Meredith didn't want to get her heartbroken again.
As Meredith took her second shoe off she got up and bent over to get her black sneakers she grabbed them and walked over to the front of her bed and placed her sneakers side by side then as Meredith looked out her glass window she saw the beautiful sky , she could see all the colors in the sky and the appearance of the full moon and the small puffy clouds that looked like cotton balls.As Meredith seen the sky she starred at it which felt like eternity and all she could fell was her heart beating slowly then Meredith thought to herself why is the world only seen for its ugliness and beast like manner , how come the world cant be seen through the eyes of God. 
Afterwords Meredith walked over to her oak wood dresser and grabbed her phone and jumped on to her bed which mad her whole bed shack and rested her head on her dark pink pillows as Meredith checked the time it was six-twenty five p.m and then as Meredith was starting to get tired she set the timer for thirty minutes and then she shut her phone placed it next to her closed her eyes and curled up into a ball and slowly drifted off to sleep as Meredith was sleeping her body was starting to become cold and bodiless and all her color began to drain . Meredith's  body was cold.Bodiless.And colorless as Meredith’s hand pillowed her head it slowly began to turn to ash and Meredith’s whole body started to slowly turn into grey ash , and with Meredith’s whole body turning into ash a big gust of wind out her window blew Meredith's ashes away.
All that was left was nothing but a note placed on Meredith’s bed which said 
Dear Mother, by the time you read this I will be in a better place I wish to inform you that you as a mother did nothing wrong at all it was me I as a daughter felt so ashamed of myself , I felt as if I was in chains being slowed down, but this set me free I finally can rejoice with Aunt Giovanna in heaven in the Kingdom Of God I can be finally be able to fly with the birds mother it’s not to late to join , mother it’s not to late to join, mother it’s not to late to join…’’
All of a sudden Meredith jumped up trying to catch her breath as there is  pool sweat behind. And as Meredith was  sweating built holes she tried to snap out it and when she did she noticed that is was very dark out .Then Meredith scanned for her phone with her eyes and started trying to feel for her phone on her bed when she finally felt something she grabbed it and it was her phone .As Meredith turned her phone on it the bright light lit up her whole face due to the fact that Meredith was in the dark for God knows how long her eyes had to adjust to the bright light so as Meredith squinted she was able to see the time it was only seven-twenty one Meredith couldn't believe it she felt like it as more then a hour or so.

                                             Chapter 2: Ashes

As Meredith turned off her phone  and placed it beside her and slowly lying done and resting her head on her pillow she thought to herself was as she put her right hand on her head 
‘’Was everything just a dream?,what day is it?,how long have I actually been sleeping for?’’
.Meredith’s head was throbbing and all Meredith could think of was the fact that there was something very wrong but she couldn't put her finger on it . As Meredith closed her eyes all she could think was why did everything that just happen to her happen for some odd reason and as Meredith drifted off to a peaceful careen deep sleep .
All of a sudden Meredith woke up hearing a very odd strange sound next to her all Meredith could do was close her eyes and sounded the same on repeat the sun light that was beating  down on her face feel really warm. The sound of a screeching sound want on for a very long time until Meredith started to get very annoyed and opened her eyes to see and bright sun in her eyes , Meredith then had to blink a couple of times for her eye’s to adjust to the sun when her eyes did .Meredith leaned forward and turned her head to see what the noise was she bent her head only to see it was her phone alarm Meredith then sighed and then grabbed her phone and shut her alarm off Meredith was surprised to see it was eight-o nine.
Meredith then pushed herself out of bed and walked out of her room and into the  kitchen that was across from her room and when Meredith walked over to her brown cabinet as she opened the cabinet door Meredith was frozen with fear and at this point all the color drained out of her body.The cabinet that Meredith’s cereal was usually in was not in there , their was not any cereal to be seen all that Meredith could see inside of the cabinet that was empty was cob webs and dust .Meredith then left that cabinet door open and walked to the next cabinet and opened the cabinet doors very slowly only to see that the cabinet was full of dust, cob webs, and this time the top of the cabinet was dripping dark red blood ,at this point Meredith couldn't feel any limb in her body she couldn't even feel her own heart beating a scream had died inside within her.
Meredith then left that that cabinet door open and closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her noise and out through her mouth when Meredith opened her eyes as she seen the blood dripping inside the cabinet she said to herself very quietly and as she said it she was giggling 
‘’This is just a huge joke,YEH thats what it is just a mind twisted sick joke that someone is playing on me’’
 but no one was in the house it was just Meredith and only her ,as Meredith turned her back to the cabinets that her still open she then was facing the grey metal  refrigerator .Meredith just kept on walking towards the refrigerator very slowly , as Meredith stopped right in front  of the refrigerator ,and the only thing that was on the refrigerator door was a note that was taped on the door , Meredith then grabbed the note and read the note and the note had said
 “Dear Meredith, as time goes by every second of every day my heart acs for your body to come back to me ,but alas that may never be possible for as your soul is in heaven  I stay here what I could have done to prevent this from happening.I still drive by your school and as I see all your friends I still talk about you to them like you are  here with me but God has made special planes for you my precious angel , it is not your fault it was mine I should have noticed the signs that you were dealing with depression.
When I came home that night as I called your name I was mortified why you were not answering me ,as I walked in your room to see if you were asleep you were not I did not prepare myself to see what I was going to see as I walked to the bathroom across the hall i noticed the lights was on but the door was closed and locked as I called out your name while I knocked on the door leaning my head on the cold white door I was expecting an answer but all I heard was dead silence .As I tried and tried to open the door ,and when I did I was not prepared to see what I was going to see as I almost fell trying to open the door my color had drained out of my body,I was completely numb I was not able the feel my heart beat even and i just went into a complete blank.At this point i had felt like I was the only person on Earth.
What I saw was your head lying behind the white sink with your left wrist sliced open and your right hand open and pail with a razor in the palm of your hand all the  white tiles stained  with your blood ,you were just laying on the floor pail bloody and bodiless all I was able to do was just stay there wondering what was going threw your mind to make you do such a horrid thing as I seen as small fly, fly over to you landing on your nose just staying there it broke my heart to see you like this and for that I say I will forever be eternally sorry for what I put you thew’’

Meredith’s pail face was starting to get red of anger and as her face was starting to get watery with salty tears Meredith didn't know how to feel about this situation due to the fact that Meredith had never been in an every odd situation like this in her life.Meredith was just standing in front of her refrigerator still holding the letter in front of her ,her mind was just blank Meredith had so many mixed emotions and she didn't even know were to start so she just forced 
                                            Chapter: What If

Herself with all her might to accept the fact that she was dead, but then Meredith thought in her mind was this heaven or hell , but then she thought to herself again was this just a dream was any of this actually reality.
Just then Meredith lifted her head from which her arms were crossed to cover her head on a light brown wooden dest and as Meredith was sitting in a room full of students wearing  dark red v neck sweaters ,and underneath that was  white cotton blend shirts with four hold small buttons the collar  was on top of the red v neck sweater so you were able to see the collar .The girls wore wool knee high skirts and cotton knitted dark navy socks , and the boys wore khaki’s with dark navy blue dress shoes.All that Meredith say was colorful posters with motivational quotes on them ,and as Meredith’s head and mind was wondering around Meredith finally released it was her classroom that she was in.
Meredith was very confused to as why she was back in her english class ,as Meredith turned her head forward she seen her teachers oak desk towards the front of the classroom on the left side full of papers scattered every and a glass cup full of colorful pens and pencils then Meredith seen her english teacher Mr.Neil talking about photography as he was motioning with his hands taking a pictures in front of the class Meredith’s eyes adjusted well enough to see Mr.Neil.
His Hazel hair was glossy and gelled to the back ,his blue eyes were shiny and crystal clear as can be, his jawline was very sharp, and he was wearing silk dark navy blue jacket ,with a black button down shirt that was tucked in by his leather black belt thats buckle was silver, he also was wearing dark silky navy blue khaki’s , and his black leather shoes .Meredith couldn't figure out why she was in her english class ,as she lifted up her head to see the time ,the clock was just about to strike twelve and then the bell had range.
As Mr.Neil then said very loudly trying to speech over the loud bell with his deep voice 
 Meredith then seen every student their book bag and walking out of the classroom she was the only one who wasn’t.
As Mr.Neil had noticed that Meredith was still sitting in her desk just staring at the front of the class as he walked over to her desk very slowly he just stared at her. He tilted his head the siltiest bit and squinted his eyes the smallest bit ,as he was walking very slowly he put his hand left hand on every desk that he passed until he finally got to Meredith’s desk . Mr.Neil then put his hand on her desk in front of her the scent of his cologne filled the air Mr.Neil said in a soft deep tone 
‘’Ms.Constantine the bell has range its time for you to leave class you are dismissed’’
 , Meredith then slowly lifted her head and looked strait into his eyes and said puzzled with a whisper with her sweet voice and her pink, plump, full lips 
“Mr.Neil’s what are you talking about? My last name isn't Constantine its Main.Remember? It’s Meredith Main I was in your english class for three years ,I was the student who single handedly changed the out looked out of the school forever! Don't you remember that?’’
 Mr.Neil’s then looked at Meredith with a concerned and confusion look and said with hesitation 
“Ms.Constantine what are you talking about? Your name isn’t Meredith Main.Your name is Karin Constantine you’er a senior’’. 
Then as Meredith was just about to say something outside their was a very loud BOOM both Meredith and Mr.Neil felt a vibration in the floor and as they both looked outside very quickly their was a cloud of smoke that filled the air every where. As both Meredith and Mr.Neil were very concerned they didn't know what was going to happen next then on the loud speaker a woman’s voice came on 
Mr.Neil and Meredith both turned theirs heads to the loud speaker that was on the right and was they were trying to figure out what the woman was trying to say they both could hear her clearly and the woman said in a petrified voice  
then both Meredith and Mr.Neil could hear on the loud speaker the woman being cut off to the sound of a door being slammed open and a woman screaming so loud that the speakers made a static sound they both could hear the bullets all the way up to their classroom and for a few minutes theirs was silence.
Until  man’s voice came on the loud speaker and he said in a jolly tone 
“Dear teachers.Faculty.And most importantly the students of the school as you may  know my friends and I just came to take a quick look at you’er lovely school ‘’were not going any where until we have EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU BRATS.So until then my friends and I are just going to take a quick look at your school and make our selfs at home for a while.And don't mind us if we just pass by your classrooms to take a quick looky - looky’,
Then Mr.Neil yanked Meredith by the arm and pulled her out of her desk and stated to push her into the closet and said to her with concern and discipline as she was  in the closet white as a ghost shaking 
“Ms.Constantine you are not to come out of this closest no matter who it is you are not aloud to come out of this closet and you are not to make a sound under any circumstances .Understand?’’
 then Meredith shook her head very slowly while looking deep into his eyes.As Mr.Neil closed the closet door in Meredith’s face Meredith couldn't believe what was happing and as Meredith pressed her head up against the cold wood door she tried to hear what was going on the other side of that classroom.All Meredith could hear was Mr.Neil’s foot steps walking all the round the classroom then as the foot steps began to lessen Meredith could start to fell her heart beating out of her chest.
Then a few second’s latte’r Meredith heard loud foot steps echo and as the foot steps got closer and closer then they stopped until their was a knock on the wooden door.Meredith then heard the heavy footsteps inside the classroom Meredith was not prepared to hear next.
Meredith had heard Mr.Neil’s voice say in a happy tone 
‘’ Gentlemen welcome to my humble abode what brings the greatest pleasure of seeing you here this very fine evening’’
 then a man’s deep voice responding back to him said 
“Cut the crap Alex we know your hiding one of your students in here’’
 all of sudden Meredith started to hear shuffling all around the classroom until Mr Neil said above the shuffling 
“look Richard I know why you're here and it’s not to capture the fine students that Rome theses halls every day, its nothing other than to find the one and only Karin Constantine’’.
Then the sound of a man’s voice sent chills running down Meredith's it sent only bad flash backs to of when her father used to come home drunk at three o'clock  and yell with his deep voice at Meredith mother at how he should have married her sister instead of her.The mans voice than said 
‘’Well you see Alex I am quite interested in Ms.Constantine specifically what she can offer to me and my friends something that not that many people can offer, she as I would like to put it as is a dream escaper’’,
Meredith right there and then had déjà vu again she felt as if time has stopped and time has no meaning any more the only meaning was of anything was the fact why she kept on getting déjà vu all the time and when she dreamt she would teleport to a different place.
Then as Meredith took a deep breath and as she grabbed the cold gold door knob and turned it very slowly only to be prepared to see what awaited her on the other side of that door.As she opened it a crake she got the courage to open it all the way and Meredith was not prepared to see what she saw,Meredith had seen her mother Isabelle sitting in an iron chair with her hands tied to the sides with her fists clinched so hard her hands started to turn white,Isabelle’s red lips replaced the color of her red cheeks and her freckled face, her dark blue eyes,Meredith’s mother Isabelle was wearing a under dip black long sleeve shirt, with a pair of  navy blue jeans, and black sneakers.Her blond pin straight hair was tied back into a perfect slick pony tail Isabelle did not look like she was in her fourths, she looked like she was only sixteen and all that Meredith could see was nothing else but her other in the dark underneath a bright yellow light .
Isabelle was just looking straight ahead like she was waiting for something, or someone ,all of a sudden on the left side of Isabelle a door opened the white light from outside the door made that whole dark room light up then two tall, muscular ,heavy armed men came walking into the door .Their heavy shoes echoed all the until they were in fount of Isabelle , Meredith could not see the men’s face nor her mothers face anymore one of the men that was holding something in his right hand but she couldn't make it out all of a sudden the man on the left with Hazel hair 
Said in a deep voice 
“Ms.Halperfeild it’s such a pleasure seeing you once again,I believe you know the reason why you here’’ 
then Isabelle said in a pitchy voice while half smiling was 
“Well you see Mr.Danial Mcearlin my mother told me that I honestly had no choice but to come here due to the fact that my family was going to lose the farm and this was the first option they had to save the farm’’.
The man on the right looked at Danial the guy on the left and said to him 
“Hey!look man lets cut this lady just a little mercy’’
 Danial then grabbed the guy on right by the arm and came close to his ear and whispered quickly 
“Look Asher the gals parents wanted this.They want, we do its as simple as that the more of them there are the more the population will decrease thats what the government wants.I get that your new here but you just gotta get the hang of it’’
.As soon as Danial let go of Asher’s arm Asher looked to the right not facing Danial closed his eyes and took a deep breath and said with a whisper 
“lets just get this over with’’.
So As Asher moved to the side and tilted his head down and held his hands in front of his he was prepared for the worst. As Danial walked closer to Isabelle and grabbed her arm and pulled her sleeve up  and with his left right hand and as Danial slowly injected a needle into Isabelle’s four arm she started to scream from the top of her lungs and started to kick her legs until Danial was finished with the injection.Then Isabelle just became paralyzed nothing.No emotion.No feeling in her eyes.No tenderness in her cheeks.Nothing 
All of a sudden the door in front of Meredith began to close and all Meredith could see was pitch black and nothing else ,as Meredith tried to fell for the cold door knob all she could feel was the oak door until she felt something cold and round ,and as Meredith turned the knob left she could feel her heart beating and each of Meredith’s we’re heavier then the other until Meredith just opened the door all the way and just took a chance .
 As Meredith took a step back in her school closet ,she seen had seen her mother in a white v-neck line , laced, knee high dress in a middle of a black room underneath a white bright light all Meredith could see was the back of her mothers head. Isabelle , Meredith’s mother’s hair was braided to the side and little curly fly aways ,Isabelle’s hair looked shiny underneath the light.Meredith didn’t even see the woman’s face all she could see was the back of her ,but she could feel in her heart that the woman in the white dress was her mother .
Meredith then closed her eyes and whispered to herself 
“God only knows what goes on in my crocked mind ,but what I know is that dreams are a part of my hope that someday I will be able to escape from reality and slowly drifted of into my own kind of insanity.The kind of insanity thats beautiful the cover up the gruesomeness in discuss’’
.When Meredith opened up her eyes she was laying down in her bed.
Meredith could see her whole room filled with sunshine with then birds chirping and all Meredith could hear was an alarm going off ,as Meredith begun to slowly sit up and looked around her room.All Meredith could see was her original room it was like nothing happened ,it was like everything that happened had never happened ,it was like everything she had a bad déjà vu but why was this happening to her.Meredith then said to herself
’’what if I as a person is going slowly insane and my human instinct is to drive myself crazy ,well then again as a human I can’t even barely explain what in the actual heaven’s name was that all was.But i’m just going to accept that fact that my mother may have to put me into an insane asylum.’’
Meredith then pushed herself out of bed and walked slowly to her glass window all Meredith was able to see was the changing of the leaves on the trees, the mistiness outside, but most importunity she could see her mothers car in the drive way, and when Meredith seen that car her eyes lit up like fires works on the Fourth of July and then ran out of her room and ran down stairs passed the kitchen and into the living room.Meredith then seen what looked like her mother from the back then hesitating and trying  to catch her breath Meredith then said with a hopeful tone’’Mom is that really you?Are u actually back?’’,the woman then turned around and it was Meredith mother.Meredith’s heart filled it happiness and the satisfaction of the accomplishment of finally being able to have her mother back in her life for good, Meredith’s mother Isabelle then said getting out of her couch and said 
“O,Meredith you’er finally awake you’ve been asleep for a few days thank heavens you’er finally awake it truly is a miracle’’
Isabelle which was Meredith’s mother was walking very slowly towards Meredith never breaking eye contact with her until Isabelle and Meredith were finally face to face and hearts to hearts.
Isabelle then pushed Meredith into her chest and was at this point holding Meredith and starting to cry hysterically and starting to gracing Meredith’s hair ,as Meredith was crying and grabbing on to her mother and placed her head gently onto Isabelle’s shoulder and whispered into her ear softly 
“Mom I never thought I would be able to feel the caring touch of you again.I thought you would be gone forever’’
 ,Isabelle than said still holding on to Meredith and swaying her back and fourth was 
“Meredith I am so sorry I have put you though a living hell and it was all because of my foolish mistakes from the fast that past that you as my daughter have finally discovered the true meaning behind life and my past it self’’.
As soon as Meredith heard what her mother had just said to her she opened her eyes and pushed away from her mother and looked her in the eye’s and said
’’WAIT!You knew this whole time about my dream escapes and you said nothing about it to me when I was younger’’
 ,Isabelle then said in a hesitation “
Look Meredith their has been something I haven't told you about.Now it’s nothing to get worked up about-‘’
 just then Meredith cut her mother off and yelled 
Just then their was silence for a few minutes while Isabelle was just looking shocked by Meredith and squinted her eyes while tilting her head forward and said 
“It was and still is my right as your mother to protect you from any harm that comes your way.I was just looking out for you, and I knew that dream escaping was going to be a huge leap for the rest of your life’’.
At this point Meredith then was starting to break into tears and said tilting her head down and closing her eyes leaning her behind against her dark blue couch while rubbing he left hand with her head and said.
‘’Yes,I understand as my mother you are supposed to protect me from harm but also as my mother your supposed to tell me things and why they happen, but I just dealt with a school massacre and déjà vu ,but no you never told me I was able to escape into dreams!’’
 .Isabelle then said softly looking straight into Meredith's eyes looking sympathetic 
“Look Meredith looking back it now I regret so many things and I know I could have done so much better to provide for you ,but I was so young when I had you , I didn’t know the first thing about becoming a mother ,my own mother kicked me out for being pregnant with you and I have no regrets having you’’.
Isabelle then said in a low tone 
“how about we site in the kitchen and anything you want to know I think I will be able to answer”,
Meredith then took a huge breath and wanted passed her mother and then walked into the kitchen. Meredith’s mother was still standing in front of her blue couch she then was able to her the chair screeching against the hard wooden floor in the kitchen Isabelle then took a long deep breath and turned to walk to the kitchen .As soon as Isabelle walked into the kitchen she seen Meredith sitting down with her hands folded tapping her right foot impatiently ,Isabelle then pulled out a chair and was sitting in front of Meredith and folded her hands while taking another deep breath and said.

“Okay Meredith I understand you have a lot of questions and I understand I remember at your age I was very curious why theses things were happening to me.I remember waking up every night and just being paralyzed with fear and this would go on well. It hasn't s stopped yet I still am able to escape into my dreams ,it was your grandmother that I got it from not your grandfather’’.Meredith’s heart stopped and then she  became white as a ghost ,she remembered her dream about her mother how young she was in that chair saying how “she is she didn’t do this her parents would lose the farm’’.
Meredith then said still folding her hands and talking in a serious tone to her mother  
“Hey mom do you mind if I asked you a question about grandma and grandpa’’ 
, Isabelle then unfolded her hands and covers Meredith’s folded hands and said in a sympathetic tone 
“Meredith the reason why you never knew your grandparents was not because they died in a car crash, it was so much earlier than that Meredith I was only eighteen when I went your father’’
,Meredith then interrupted and then said 
“Ashier right!’’ 
,Isabelle then said in a crocked smile in a whisper 
“Yes,Meredith Ashier was your father.We met while I was being transformed he tried to stop the man who was going to transform me but my parents were desperate they would do anything to save their farm, including selling their daughter to be transformed’’.
Isabelle then said 
“You see I never had a close relationship with my mother she was always tried to steal the attention away from me and always wanted the attention on her ,but I also did come for a poor back round so when my mother found out that I was a dream escaper she wanted me to be normal ,and the government was looking to transform dream escapers like me at the time and at this point my mother had my father wrapped around her finger so I don't know how but my father agreed to transform me’’.
Meredith had déjà vu again she felt as if she had already had this conformation before but how could she if none of this was real.  
Isabelle then said 
“The reasoning for your grandparents was that the town soon found out about my transformation and the whole town ended up burning my family house down ,but God had a specific reason why I wasn't with my family and ever since then I always wondered why was I not burned with the rest of my family, but I still don't know.’’
Meredith couldn't believe it Isabelle then said 
‘’Now about your father.After I was transformed they let me go home the serum was supposed to temporary but for me well I guess not.After I left I was just walking home ,Ashier was new I could tell that he had feelings for me and I did for him as well and as I  was walking he chased after me and we exchanged a few words and he offered for me to stay with him over night.
Now I now what you're thinking  and the reason why I went to stay at a strangers house was because I was planning on running away.I thought to myself why should I go home to people who don’t even love me especially my own parents.And o my he was such a gentlemen I feel in love with him, and in a blink of an eye everything came crumbling down as soon as I heard my family had died in a fire, after that I moved in with Ashier and a couple of years later I got pregnant with you’’.
Meredith couldn’t believe it everything she believed in was a lie ,her whole life was a lie, everything she thought of was a life,Meredith then asked her mother 
“Can dream escapers define time?” 
Isabelle then looked at Meredith and said
Meredith then unfolded her hands and pushed herself out of her chair as she got up she was now then standing up and as she looked into her mothers eyes she said
’’All the years you could have waited you wait to tell me now’’
.Then Meredith closed her eyes and turned her back to her mother and as Meredith was walking her mother said 
‘’When you leave can you remember me’’
,and all Meredith said was 
‘’when I leave I will not remember any of this ,all I know is I was not meant for this and until then I will choose where I want to and where I want to stay’’.
Then Meredith walked into her room and as she closed the door behind her and slowly slide her back against her door and sat down.
Meredith then lifted her knees to her face and so she could him the tears that were falling down her cheeks;Meredith then just let everything go, she let go of all the tears she held back for so long she was tired of all the fears she was holding in ,she was tired of all the stress she had in school, she was tired of all trying to be liked by everyone, she was tired of having the fear of getting left back every time she was doing something fun with her friends, she was tired of getting stepped on, getting judged, but most of all she was tried of not being able to have a close relationship with her mother.
What seemed like hours Meredith finally lifted her head to see what time it was as she looked at her clock the time was seven-twenty nine;Meredith had been sitting in her room crying on her floor for two hours and not once did her mother come in to check on her.All Meredith thought in her mind was is any of this was real, and if it was why was it happening to her even though her mother gave her life story Meredith wanted to know more of why any of this was even possible.Meredith then slowly got up from the floor and at this point the whole room was spinning Meredith then was starting to get dizzy and had to lean up against the wall it took a while ,but everything started the get back to normal.
After that Meredith opened her door and she was able to hear her mother taking in destress she couldn't make out what she was saying as Meredith walked closer to her living room Meredith then was standing in the other side of the wall so her mom would not be able to see her.Meredith then heard her mother say 
“Yes ,Diana I understand that I shouldn't have told her but I have every right to tell my daughter about my past even though it may jeopardize our relationship forever.But she may never know what actually happened to mom Diana’’.
Meredith couldn't believe her mother lied to her again every time Meredith got close to someone at the end she would always be the one to get hurt no matter what.As Meredith continued to eaves drop on her mothers conversation with her Aunt Diana and Meredith was horrified when she heard her say 
“Diana I’m going to have to go to New Jersey in a few days because my sister Giovanna is sick and she lives alone and she has the flue so i’m going to have to fly there so I was wondering if you would be able to watch Meredith for a few days’’
 ,then their was a pause and then she said 
“It’s not that much work all you would have to do is make her dinner, and make sure she does not escape her dreams;I mean I would let her stay home alone but her dream escapes have been getting worse and besides the fact that I have to take care of my sister there is something else I have to take care of .So will you watch Meredith?’’
Meredith could not believe what she was dealing with ,Meredith then thought to herself what if all the dream escapes she’s been having was her dreaming of the things that was supposed to be expected of in the future, what if this was reality but time was had on actual definition of her life, what if time just defined everyones else's life but hers, what if time for Meredith just didn't define her like everyone else .
As soon as Meredith heard her mother say
’’o my lord thank you so much’’
she knew for a fact that her ‘’Aunt’’Diana was going to watch her ,but Meredith couldn't put her fingerer on it she knew that her mother was going to New Jersey she would not come back. Meredith then blacked out had a vivid image of her mother in a plan and sitting a few rows back was a man with black sunglasses on pulling something out from his jacket pocket from the inside and it was some kind of gold pocket watch and incrusted on it were the initials V.V.
When Meredith woke up on the floor everything was blurrier the only thing she saw a figure as earthing come together she finally seen the figure was her mother petting her Isabelle then said in a soft voice smirking 
“So how long have you been standing here for?’’,
Meredith then said trying to get up holding on to the wall to support her from falling 
“Long enough to know that you are planning to go to New Jersey’’,
Meredith was leaning her back against the wall and started to take deep breath breaths.Isabelle then said.  
“Meredith I’m going to go to New Jersey for a few days to see how your Aunt Giovanna is doing.I will be staying the night due to the fact that she's sick and nobody lives with her. So I’m going to make you a sharper's pie before I leave so you don't have to binge eat even though Aunt Diana will be watching you we all know she's a horrible cook’’
Meredith then turned complete pail and said with a worried tone looking the other way 
“I think I’m going to take a quick nap’’,
just then Isabelle then said yelling and motioning her hands to stop 
“NO!You can’t’’
Meredith then turned her head to her mother but her body was facing her room she said
’’mom it’s just a twenty-six minute nap it’s not like I’m going to sleep for the whole night or is their another reason why I can’t go to sleep?’’ 
Isabelle then looked at Meredith squinting her eyes 
“Don't you dear play dumb with me little girl I know that you know that you’er a dream escaper’’
Meredith then knew for a fact that ,that woman was not her mother .Meredith then said turning her body around to face the figure that was saying she was Meredith’s mother 
“Mother how long did I black out for’’ 
the figure then said 
“o Meredith you’ve been out for a few minutes, as I was talking to your Aunt Diana on the phone I heard a loud crash and I seen you on the ground’’, 
Meredith couldn't put her finger on it she knew that lady was not who she said she was .Meredith then remembered that dream escapers can-not define time so Meredith then asked the figure 
“Hey mom what time is it?’’
 Meredith knew that her mother would be able answer this question because she was only half a dream escaper not a full one, so the figure answered 
“Meredith don't you remember I’m a dream escaper I’m not able to define time’’.
Meredith then knew for a fact that this was not her mother so Meredith not took a step back looking at the figure and said shacking her head 
“You’er not my mother’’
,the woman started laughing and the figure started to slowly transform into the man Meredith seen in her vision the man was about six feet tall with dirty blond hair that was gelled back, he was wearing a black suit that was silk, with a silk dark blue button down shirt, with dark silk jeans and was wearing black dress shoes .The man then took off his black sunglasses only to show his dark blue eyes.
Meredith then said in shock 
“you’er the man I seen in my vision weren't you’’,
the man then walked closer to Meredith and said with a smirk 
“you would think that I’m the bad guy but really I actually the good guy ,you actually didn't see everything didn't you now sugar cube’’
 the man was speaking  in a western accent Meredith could see the ugliness behind his beauty he was like the devil once beautiful and still is but tempts those who are easy to be tempted by.
Meredith then walked closer to him and said
’’well if you’er the good guy I suppose you could tell my were my mother is and if this is one of my dreams that I escaped to and-‘’
 the man cut Meredith off short and said
’’well you see sugar cub I’d love to answer all of you’er lovely questions but I think she we should I don't know maybe sit’’ .
Meredith then said in a surprised way 
“o my I’m so sorry here follow me’’ 
Meredith then started to talk in front of the man until they got to Meredith’s dark blue coach the man then sat down ,as Meredith followed him and sat on the other coach in front of the man and finally said 
“Now if you don’t mind me asking who are you?’’
 the man then said
’’listen sugar cube before you ask any further questions I’ll save you your breath and say the basic things you need to know about me my name is Dax ,and I think I know were your mother is ,but you’er not in our little silly dream. When you had that image about your mother on the plane I had entered your image cause I knew that you were a dream escaper because your grandmother had sold your mother to my father to transform her
And I was just a little boy when the government was transforming people and yes my father worked for the government things were worse back then “
Meredith then said starting to get annoyed 
“but that doesn’t explain why I’m here and where my mother is’’
Dax then reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out the same golden pocket watch that Meredith had seen in her image.
Dax held the watch in front of Meredith and said in a hopeful tone 
“Meredith do you recognize this watch’’,
Meredith then looked into Dax’s beautiful crystal clear dark blue eyes and said
“Dax how do you know my name?’’,
Dax looked into Meredith’s eyes and said 
“well you see sugar cube I should know everyones names because well lets just say I’m very important, so as I asked you before have you seen this pocket watch before?’’,
Meredith couldn't put her finger on it but their was something about Dax that had a spark to him.
Meredith took a deep breath and said with an annoyed look 
“Yes ,I seen the pocket watch I'm my image .You were in the six fifth row behind my mother and you were wearing black sunglasses with a black dress jacket ,and red button down shirt with your sleeves rolled up , with light blue denim fabric ,and  black dress shoes’’
Meredith was starting to feel a strange tingling in her arm ,as she rolled up her sleeve she seen a mark slowly appear on her right arm the once the symbol was complete .
Dax got up and walked up to Meredith and grabbed her hand to see what the symbol was  what Dax seen was a half triangle with tow humps inside  ,Dax looked at Meredith and said 
“well I’ll be dammed you finally transformed fully sugar cube’’
Meredith got up out of shock and yanked her arm away from Dax and yelled 
Dax grabbed Meredith’s wrist to explain to her what the symbol meant as Dax traced his finger on the lines that made up the symbol he explained
”hey sugar cube it’s nothing to get worked up about here the line that looks like a half triangle means that you were once half but the line with the two humps inside the half triangle means that the two half’s of your life are know complete.’’
Meredith looked the other way and said with hesitation while closing her eyes and said 
‘’I don't understand what you’re talking about how am I complete’’
Dax gently grabbed Meredith by the chin and looked her in the eyes and said 
“You’re a complete dream escaper ,you once were half but know your whole your father was a whole human but your mother was a whole dream escaper so you where half and half until now’’
Meredith’s eye’s widen’ed once she earned about her father and grabbed Dax’s wrist and said’’ wait you knew my father’’ Dax then took a step back from Meredith and cleared his thought ,and said
’’well you see once their was a boy who’s family was well known.The boys father once explained to him about dream escapers and normal people ,the boys father then started to hire people to transform people with a venom .
One day the boys father had a meeting with a local woman ,the woman wanted to sell her daughter for one million dollars to transform her ,and the boys father agreed.Then the father of the boy hired one more man a special one to transform the daughter when the man got the job his first task was to transform the daughter but when he first lade eyes on the daughter he couldn't bring himself to transform her so he switched the venom with a temporary one so she would be able to pass the test.At the end the man and daughter fall in love and had a beautiful daughter’’.
Meredith lifted her head and said softly to Dax 
“was the boy happy?’’
 Dax then smirked and said 
“once the boys fathers finally found out that the boy and his mother were dream escapers the boys father just kept it a secret so in a way yes the boy was happy’’
.Meredith then sat down on the coach and started grinning while looking down and playing with her finger nail and said to Dax not looking at him 
“it’s kinda funny how I can relate to the boy and the reason behind that is overtime I get close to people but I’m the one who is going to get hurt, so I guess you can say that my relationships with people are like a broken proline doll it once was beautiful and had potential, but once it’s not taken care of and gets neglected it breaks’’.
Dax then walked over to Meredith and all she was able to see was Dax’s shoes due to the fact that Meredith had her head down in order to hide he face from Dax.Dax then said 
“about your mother’’
once Meredith heard those words she lifted her head and said 
“what about my mother’’
Dax said “the vision you had about your mother’’
 Meredith was starting to get annoyed and rolled her eyes at Dax and said 
“WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MOTHER, please I need to know’’.
Once Meredith lower her voice Dax was starting to lean down to level with Meredith  look her in the eyes and said holding her hand 
“Meredith the vision you had about you mother in the plane that was real.Your mother didn't make it’’
Meredith couldn't believe what she was hearing she was shacking her head as Dax was saying everything once Dax stopped talking Meredith was tearing up and then all at once she let everything thing out. This was not the first time Meredith was heartbroken at her family Member,Dax then grabbed Meredith by the shoulder and stood her up and she was starting to hold Meredith as he was grabbing him by the shirt for dear life. 
 Dax then started to rub Meredith’s back and at this point they were rocking side to side like a cradle,Dax wasn't sure if he actually was starting to have feeling for Meredith but if he was he knew for a fact that him and Meredith could never have a future together .They both came from different worlds no matter how much they could have tried to make it work Dax just never aloud himself to fall in love.
Meredith was hugging Dax underneath his silk jacket and at this point Meredith could feel Dax’s abs .Meredith didn’t think much if it ,but if anything she knew that a good looking man like Dax already had a good looking girl, once Meredith calmed down she pushed herself off of Dax ,Dax then walked away from Meredith into the kitchen were he yelled out to Meredith 
“Hey sugar cube were do you keep the wine?”
 ,Meredith then walked into the kitchen were she seen Dax in front of the cabinet and she said sniffling 
“We don't have any wine my mom never drank except for special occasions”.
Dax walked closer to Meredith so he was able to cup his hands around her face and gently wiped the tears away from her face. Dax then said
’’well sugar cube were not in your little dream world were in what as normal people would call it the tempus vitae’’
Meredith smirked and said
’’I didn't know you spoke latin”
as Dax removed his hands from Meredith’s face he said
’’well I guess you did know what I said then sugar cube, so this is just a guess but I’m guessing you speak latin”.
Meredith smiled and rolled her eyes and said 
“well if you must know I do speak latin and as a matter of fact I did know what you said but that does not excuse the fact how and why my mother dies’’
Dax closed his eyes and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and four finger and said in his western accent 
“look super cube I don't think you should be interfering with this kind of life but you’ve gotten this fare so I might as well explain to you everything you need to know about the life you’er going to live”.
Meredith took a step back to lean on the refrigerator and as Dax looked at Meredith he took a deep breath and said 
“while you had that image of your mother on the plan I knew you thought that I was the bad guy but really I wasn't I knew that same thing was going to happen I guess you could say I got drown to it.Any ways as I took out my pocket watch when I was about to redo the plan crash it made a tare from the normal world to this world so the reason why I shifted into your mother was because it was a test to see how much you actually remembered.’’Meredith crossed her arms and said rising her eye brows “wait  the reason why you clicked your pocket watch was because you  tried to save my mom, but from whom exactly?’’
Dax looked to the left and said 
“somnium curserus’’
 Meredith frowned and said tilting her head 
“whom are dream runners?”
Dax smirked and said 
“somnium curserus are dream escapers who escape dream from dream but somnium curserus are also dream escapers who were once transformed but the venom didn't work on them just like your mother”.
At the point Meredith looked very annoyed and said
 “that still doesn't answer why did you have to use your pocket watch?”
Dax looked back at Meredith and said in an annoyed tone 
“I had to use my pocket watch on the dream runner because he was going to make a crack in time and it would send our whole world into an endless worm hole”
Meredith slowly was starting to walk up to Dax building up the tension between them and once Meredith was face to face with Dax Meredith said with a disappointing smirk while she lifted up her eye brow 
“so theirs no way I’m able to go back home?’’
Dax looked down in disappointment Meredith starting walking back while she was shacking her head Meredith then said
’’so in the normal world I’m dead”
Dax looked up at Meredith and said
’’no you're technically sleeping but your mother died in the plan crash .The only thing that is keeping you in the dream world is me”
.At this point Meredith kept her distance from Dax Meredith wasn't sure how to react to the situation to fill in the silence Dax said “say something”.
Everything was starting to come together the only thing keeping her from reality was the Dax .He was the reason why Meredith wasn't able to go back to the real wold Meredith then said 
“Dax you're the reason why I’m not able to go back to reality”
Dax’s eyes were starting to turn into a lighter blue .Meredith couldn't believe what she was seeing as Meredith was starting to walk to Dax Meredith said
 “your eyes.Their a light blue’’
once Meredith was face to face with Dax once again she gently put cupped her right hand on Dax’s chin as she looked deeply into his eyes their was silence for a few and Dax lifted his right arm only to cover Meredith’s hand as Dax was rubbing his face on Meredith’s soft gentle hand said 
“Were the only two people in this world and I just never aloud myself to fall in love with anyone even though we only just meet a couple of hours ago I think I’m in love with you.’’
Meredith’s heart stopped as she heard the words I love you come out of someones mouth for her.Meredith took her hand off of Dax’s face and grabbed Dax’s cheeks and placed his forehead on her forehead and as Meredith could feel Dax’s breath in her face and the tenderness and care of him she said closing her eyes in a whisper 
“were not aloud to fall in love .I’m not aloud to fall in love’’.
Dax then said to Meredith grabbing her by the waist as Meredith was rubbing the back of Dax’s head 
“I don’t care.I once feel in love I know I’m capable of doing it again with the right girl”
Meredith giggled and said
’’this is just a guess but due to your accent I’m guessing your form Idaho?’’.
Then their was a pause and then Dax laughed and said 
“close but no sugar cube I’m from Montana home to the official state flower which is the bitterroot flower”.
Meredith then pushed her body against Dax’s as she placed her head on his shoulder ,while he rubbed her backs ,as she rubbed the back of his head using her finger nails ,and Dax placing his head on her shoulder gently.
 And as both were hugging Meredith thought to herself was some man worth her whole life ,was she going to sell her soul to the devil for love that would only go so far, was she going to sell her normal life of someone she had no idea what was capable of even love.
Meredith closed her eyes and said to Dax 
“Hey Dax I don't know if my life is worth any of this” Dax then pushed his body off of Meredith’s and looked her in the face and asked ,what do you mean?’’
Meredith then looked at Dax and said raising her voice 
“Dax we just meet and I don't know if I can sell my whole life for you”
 Dax then grabbed Meredith’s hands and he said 
“Meredith I know that once in everyones life their will always be someone that will be able to guide you through darkness and I think that I can be your light”
Meredith starred tearing and said 
“if you were my light you would bring me back to sanity but the few hours that you have been here were the best few hours of my life and I promised myself I would not fall in love” .Once one tear fell down Meredith’s left cheek she closed her eyes and said in a whisper “love is like fear it is made of something bigger then it already is but the bigger the thing is the smaller you feel compared to how big everything seems”
Dax then said 
“if love was fear how come you can’t concur your fear?’’.
   Once Meredith heard Dax say that she let go of his hands and left the kitchen to go into her room ,as Meredith was walking inside her room she could hear Dax follow her into her room.As Meredith walked inside her room she sat on the right side of the bed and rested her arms on her legs while she rubbed the back of her neck and thought to herself how much more she was able to take .
Once Dax waited outside Meredith’s open door he knocked and asked if 
“he could come in’’
 Meredith laughed and said
“Sure cowboy make yourself at home”.
Meredith was able to hear the loud foot steps Dax was making with his shoes and as Dax was walking around Meredith room he said being dazzled 
“wow sugar cube nice room”.
Meredith rolled her eyes and said 
still looking down at her floor as Dax moved Meredith’s curtains to look outside he noticed that it was dark out Dax then asked 
“Hey sugar cube do you know what time it is?”
Meredith then lifted up her head and turned her head to look at Dax and once she seen him on the left side of the window looking outside she said 
“Remember dream escapers cant define time”.
Dax just continued to look at Meredith but this time his eyes were dark blue again and Dax said in a sturdy tone 
“that doesn't answer my question now does it.I’ll ask you one more time what time is it?”Meredith looked at Dax with a confused look and moved her body to the right side of the bed by scooting over and once Meredith was facing Dax in her bed she crossed her legs and rested her arms on her legs while Dax was still waiting for an answer and once Meredith was comfortable she lifted her head up to look at Dax and said in a jolly tone “Dax if you don't mind me asking why are you in such a bad mood?”.
Dax started taping his right foot against the hard wooden floor which made an echoing sound and as Meredith started to roll her eyes she said 
“again I have no idea what time it is because I could never tell time no matter how hard I tried I just could never tell any kind of time and now I know why and its because I’m a dream escaper”.
Once Dax stopped tapping his foot he walked over to Meredith and leaned both of his hands against the bed right next to Meredith and was once again face to face with her.
Dax was able to smell the Meredith’s scent which was daisy’s and Meredith was able to smell Dax’s scent ,Dax smelt like mint’s and woodsy like.As Dax closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose so he was able to smell Meredith’s scent Meredith was very intimidated by him once Dax his eyes he could tell he was intimidating Meredith so Dax said with a smirk 
“hey sugar cube I intimidate you don't I”Meredith then looked into Dax’s eyes and when what she say was his eyes turn into a light blue .Meredith was petrified to even be in the same room with Dax at this point in time so to clear the air Meredith said “Dax I know your the devil.Your able to tempt people with just a look .Your scent lures people to you.Your dashing yet classy look makes other people think that your sophisticated.People think that you're an angel .But really you're the devil’s nightmare.’’
Dax then leaned closer to Meredith and looked deeply into her eyes like he was staring into her soul and said looking at her pale lips 
“I wonder if the devil was tempted at one point of his life instead of being to tempter all the time”
Dax was able to hear the quiver of Meredith as she was breathing.And as Dax smirked just seeing a pure innocent girl just quiver he said getting closer to Meredith’s face 
“the devil was a beautiful man and still is but what if the devil had a lover that no one knew about”.
Dax then grabbed the back of Meredith’s head and said while he was breathing in Meredith’s mouth and said 
“one thing the devil was known for was tempting people what if I was the devil and you were being tempted by me”
Meredith then bit the bottom of her lip and closed her eyes as she was prepared for the worst.Meredith was able to feel Dax getting closer to her face as she felt the heat of his face against hers.
Dax then rubbed his cheek against hers ,his skin felt like silk, his scent empowered her, and his hands against her hair sent multiple chills running down her bony spine .Dax wanted to kiss Meredith but he knew that if he did he would not be able to forgive himself for breaking Meredith’s heart ,the gentle touch of Meredith set Dax off, the same way Dax set Meredith off .Dax then said to Meredith continuing to rub her head while he was still against her cheek 
“Meredith as the man in this situation I promise you that I will watch over you even though I’m the devil when it comes to you I will die for you”.
As Meredith was about to say something Dax went for it and pushed his lips against Meredith’s Dax’s soft velvet lips pushed up against Meredith’s soft pale lips Meredith began to kiss Dax back and Dax became more confident and began to gently stroke Meredith’s hair until Dax stopped before he would not be able to any longer .Dax pushed his forehead up against Meredith’s as they both took deep breath’s Dax said in-between his breaths 
“I’m so sorry”
,Meredith grin and said in-between her breaths 
“don’t be it was my first one”.
Dax began to blush as he said smiling ear to ear 
“and hopefully I’ll be your last”
Meredith wasn't sure why any of this was happing to her but she didn't want to know the reason behind it once Dax and Meredith were able to breath Dax got on the bed with Meredith and once Dax was comfortable laying down on his back he grabbed Meredith by the waist and tugged her to lay down on his chest.As Meredith placed her head on Dax’s chest she was able to hear his heart beat getting fast she was also able to fell his abs ,Dax began to place his hand down Meredith shirt so he was able to rub her back ,he was able to feel Meredith soft skin that was warm.
Dax then said to Meredith as he stared up at the ceiling 
“Meredith there is a way to go back to the real world I just wanted you to myself for a little bit before I had to let you go”,
once Meredith heard those words she clenched Dax’s shirt and said 
“I wan to stay here with you for a little bit longer just the two of us alone”.
Soon as Meredith and Dax’s body shared warmth they soon drifted off to a blissful sleep were both dream escapers did not escape to any dreams for which they were in their own dreams.
Meredith felt warm and safe being in Dax’s arms but she knew that it wouldn't last forever.Once Meredith opened up her eyes she was still in Dax’s arms and in the same position as she was when she fell asleep,Meredith couldn't believe that Dax fell asleep in his suit and once Dax opened up his the first thing he noticed was that Meredith wasn't in his arms as Dax sat forward he yelled out Meredith’s name but not answer .Meredith seen that Dax was in shock but as Meredith said yes to every time Dax called out her name but their would be silence once Dax got out of bed as walked out of Meredith room Meredith yelled 
But their was no answer once Meredith got out go bed and stepped on to her hard wooden floor she slowly disappeared and at this point Meredith had no idea what was going to happen next.Once Meredith came to she was in the kitchen sitting on the right side of the table ,sitting on her right side was her cousin June who was dressed in a strapless mini black dress with black three inch heels with her blond hair curled down and her lips red as an apple and eyes black as a ravens feather.
But on the other hand Meredith cousin who was sitting on left side of her May was wearing a blue v neck cotton blend knee high dress with black sneakers ,her ginger hair was tied up into a ponytail.May wasn't wearing a whole lot of makeup she was only wearing a little bit of pink blush ,with a blush pink lipstick ,and a little mascara. Meredith was very confused to as why she was sitting with her two cousins and no one else.
     As Meredith turned her head to the left to face May ,May was just talking and laughing on the other side of table like she was talking to someone ,as Meredith placed her hand on Mays shoulder and shook it and said
’’May whats going on?’’
 May just continued to talk and Meredith said again louder 
“May what the hell is going on’’
May stopped talking and turned her head to faced Meredith and grabbed Meredith’s wrist and said “how dare you talk to your cousin like that
“Who the hell do you think you are”
May then got up and still grabbing Meredith’s wrist and pulled Meredith up and forced Meredith to the ground and once Meredith was on the floor grabbing her wrist and starting to sob as May grabbed Meredith chin May looked Meredith in the eyes and said 
“that will show you that you don't screw me like that’’.
As Meredith was still sobbing .May then grabbed Meredith by the hair and pulled her up and started to drag Meredith on the floor once Meredith fell to the floor she had seen all of her family gathering around round the table and started to laugh and point their fingers and Meredith grabbed her hair and started kicking and yelling through her tears and yelled 
As Meredith was dragged into her room by the hair ,by her cousin she then got dragged into her room and then got shoved into the wall as Meredith curled up into a ball she looked as May who was breathing heavy and said 
“who the hell do you think  you are talking me like that .Do you know who I am ?I’m you cousin Meredith Foster and for you to talk to be with such disrespect is so disgusting that it makes me throw up ,but you know what you should know that I’m your mothers favorite because you over stayed your welcome and that’s very rude so it’s about time you relies who really its loved more”
Meredith then said hesitating to breath 
“why are you doing this?”
May then laughed and said 
“o my dear little cousin who could ever look a dream escaper like you and yes I do know your little secret and it is disgusting to know I’m even the siltiest bit related to you”
May then grabbed Meredith by the hair and Meredith started to kick and yell again and as May Stuck Meredith head out the window Meredith was able to feel the cool breath and the trees with out their leaves and then Meredith was able to feel her whole body being pushed out the widow.
At this point Meredith’s life flashed before her eyes ,everything was in slow motion and all Meredith was able to feel was the wind in her hair and once Meredith hit the ground she heard many people laugh and yell Meredith couldn't make out who the people were but as Meredith closed her eyes she knew that she wasn't going to die.She knew that couldn't die she was a dream escaper she couldn't define time ,as Meredith closed her eyes for which seemed like ages she finally opened her eyes to the sighted of Dax looking at her with a smile and as Meredith lead forward and looked and Dax and said 
“Dax what the actually hell happened?”.
Dax then pushed Meredith back and said in a soft tone smiling and rubbing Meredith’s back head 
“sugar cub listen you skipped a dream backward”
Meredith’s eyes then widened and said with concern 
“what the hell do you mean skip a dream I was with you and then and then I was’’
Meredith couldn't even finish her sentence because her dream escape was so tariffing so she started and tear and as Dax rubbed the back of her head as he was on the floor kneeling upward and said 
“sugar cub when you skip a dream backwards it means you escaped into a dream when you died it’s totally normal for new dream escapers”.
Meredith was very confused due to the fact that she remembered specifically not being able to leave the dream she was in with Dax she said 
“Dax I remember you told me I wasn't able to leave this dream”
Dax then grinned and said 
“sugar cub even time doesn't  have the power to separate us but you have the power to separate us”
Meredith closed her eyes and said 
“my fear is the fact that their will always be a tomorrow”
Dax then pushed Meredith closer and kissed her forehead and said 
“I fear that we will always have to have a future were we will know that we will always be in some kind of hell”.
Meredith then closed her eyes and said 
“as long as were in reality we will always have a hell’’ 
Dax then grabbed Meredith’s hands and lifted her out of bed and as Dax started to walk out of Meredith room as he held Meredith hand tight he said 
“I want to show you something”
As Dax lead Meredith to into the living room where Dax grabbed Meredith by the shoulder s  and placed her in front of him were Meredith was now in front on her window. All Meredith was able to see was her dark blue cotton fabric curtness and once Dax pushed the right side of the curtain and Meredith was astonished to see her reflection staring back at her nothing else just Meredith face, and as Meredith slowly placed her left hand on the stain glass window Meredith saw her reflection do the same thing.
The  reason why Meredith was thrown off to as why she was seeing a clear frame of reference of herself.Just as Meredith turned her head to face Dax she said in a beam 
“Dax this is inconceivable how is this even the slightest bite possible”
as her eyes lit up like a bonfire on the Fourth of July Dax grinned like a little boy finding a nickel on the side of the road and said 
“sugar cube the time dimension shows the reflection of people but the dimension it self has no meaning to it’s true insanity within the others reflections”
Meredith then placed her hand on Dax’s dove-like jaw as Dax grabbed Meredith by the waist and pulled her closer as Meredith looked into Dax’s eyes she asked 
“Dax what does V.V stand for?’’
Dax then grinned and chuckled a little as he kneeled his head down and said in his western accent 
“sugar cube Dax isn’t my real name”
Meredith’s eyes almost popped out of her head once he said that.Meredith formally lifted Dax’s head and said 
“Dax what the hell are you talking about?’’
just as Meredith knew something wasn't completely coming together Meredith squinted at Dax ,and as Dax started to get into a serious mode the ora of the area around Meredith’s “house”started to change.
Dax  then said still looking at Meredith
“the letters V.V are the initials for my real name which is Vance Vecross ”
Meredith then said with a curious and a tad bit suspicious look on her face 
“so when we first meet why did you tell me your name was Dax?’’
 Dax tried to say the real reason why he didn't say his real and when he finally came to he said
’’when you enter the real world you take the form of someone else and in my case my father is the court layer for the time dimension”.
Meredith was new to the whole time dimension thing so she had to get used to it .Meredith had so many questions and once Meredith opened her mouth Vance then said 
“I bet you have a shit tone of questions huh?”
Meredith was shocked and said with a smirk
”how did you know?”
Dax rolled his eyes and said 
“in the time dimension you can always read the minds of others.You think about me a lot”Meredith could feel her cheeks start to burn up and as she looked down and said”
in theory I guess I do”
Vance then lifted Meredith head  so he could see her and said 
“hey sugar cube you shouldn’t be embarrassed plenty of girls think about me a lot .If you couldn't tell I have quite the reputation for being quite the looker”
Meredith then rolled her and said 
“look Romeo you are quite the looker I will agree on that ,but you also are quite full of yourself”
Vance then rolled his eyes and then grabbed Meredith’s right hand and lifted it above her and twirled her once Meredith finally faced Vance she said to him raising both eye brows
“you’re not convincing either sadly’’.
Vance then grabbed Meredith by the waist and pulled her closer at the point Meredith and Vance where face to face ,Meredith was able to feel Vance’s breath it felt warm and moist and as Vance looked at Meredith lips he leaned closer to her and when their lip’s meet it was lip a spark lighting up a whole city but Meredith knew what she was getting herself into once she got involved with a forbidden love especially with the fact that his father was the lawyer of the time dimension.
Meredith then pushed herself off of Vance and said looked pissed 
“Dax what the fuck is wrong with you I fucking cant deal with you being on top of me always it’s getting to me and the fact that you lied about your name just says that you’ re the type of person to lie about everything  else”
 Vance never realized how hot Meredith was when she was mad but if he kept on pushing Meredith’s buttons he knew he would loose all of her so as he turned his back to Meredith and started walking Meredith was fead up to the point were as Vance was walking she chased him to her room and once Vance was in Meredith’s room and their were face to face once again he said 
“I know girls like you and I know for a fact that you’r never going to be satisfied even once you have me sugar cube so why don't you do yourself a favor and get the hell out of my sight”.
As Vance slammed the door in Meredith’s face Meredith was just standing outside her door speckless .Meredith felt a little disappointed but she didn't know why ,Meredith then thought to herself maybe he was just doing this to get inside my head so as Meredith turned her back and started walking to the living room she just stood in the middle of the living room were she faced the coffee table and had her back turned to the coach and said 
“listen I have no fucking clue who the hell I’m talking to but who ever’s listening I have no fucking idea what to do”
Meredith then looked at the ground and sighed she nodded and said 
“I can’t .I cant fucking deal with the fact that I cant go to sleep.You know what fuck the rules.The rules are just a way to keep me from going outside.”
Meredith then walked to her coach and slowly laid down and closed her eyes and she slowly drifted off to sleep knowing that at this point she would do anything to escape this place where people come to die once Meredith fell asleep and all she was able to see was nothing more than pure hollow black misty people walking around in what seemed to be a small town.The air was thick and damp and it tasted like salt ,as Meredith was walking around all she seen was fog and the shadows of people.The people Meredith seen were floating more then walking ,and Meredith couldn't put her finger on it but she knew something wasn't right.
As Meredith walked around she was able to see an old gray building with thick fog surrounding it, their was no figure walking around the building so as Meredith walked towards the building the air was so intoxicating and the soil that Meredith was walking on was clumpy and wet.Once Meredith got to the gray building their was no door so all Meredith was able to see was nothing more than a black voayed in the distance Meredith wasn't sure if she could do this and once she took a deep breath she walked into the building.Meredith seen a glowing orb in front of her Meredith then heard her mother’s voice say in a whisper 
As Meredith called out 
the glowing orb was going someone as Meredith chased it she was able to hear the creaking of wood get louder and louder until the orb finally disappeared and Meredith didn't know what her next move was she called out 
Meredith could hear a thousand voices say so many things at once and as Meredith listened she could hear all the voices say 
“your mother is here’’
once Meredith heard that she said in the most quietest tone
 ,but as the voices continued to yell Meredith was feed up and yelled
.At this point everything became quite Meredith could feel her heart beat out of her chest and a cold sweat come over her as she seen nothing but black .Meredith didn't know if she would make it out alive or if she would die.
As Meredith took to steps forward she seen a blue sparkle towards the front of her as Meredith ran forward to the light as Meredith finally reached the front of the light ,the light look as if it came form the water due to the fact that the blue light moved like waves from the sea ,and the glistening sparkles swam with the waves and as Meredith gently placed her hand against the  cold blue water she was so hypnotized by how beautiful it was she slowly walked into the blue water and after that Meredith didn't know what was going to happen next.
As Meredith slowly opened her eyes and blink a few times she knew something wasn't right due to the fact that she was not able to feel her body as Meredith was able to regain her consciousness she seen her mother laying beside her on the cold green grass that their were fields of.As Meredith turned her head to the left to face her mother she said 
“Mom where have you been?”
and as Meredith was just about to reach out for her mothers hand her mother disappeared and the green grass slowly turned into dust as Meredith slowly felt her body dissolve slowly into the dust.
As Meredith was about to completely sink into the dust she could feel someone or something grab her by the shirt under the dust and sink her down faster into the dust as Meredith held her breath she closed her eyes and what felt like forever she opened up her eyes and she was back in her bed with her mother towards the end of her bed staring at her with concern .As Meredith could feel her head pounding like a hammer pounding a nail she placed her head against her head and all Meredith could hear was her mother coming closer to her as she closed her eyes to hear what her mother was going to say but their was silence for what felt like eternity until Meredith opened her eyes.
Meredith seen Vance hover over her with a very concerned look and as Meredith said 
Vance looked at Meredith and said
“No what?’’
Meredith could feel her body tingle as she said 
“I’m a dream runner, and I can't help it I can't deal with the fact that I have to be stuck here with some guy who is in as much illegal trouble as I am so you know what dream runner or not I’m leaving”
As Meredith pushed herself up of her coach she walked righted passed Vance ,as he grabbed Meredith’s boney wrist he pulled her to him and as Meredith look to the hard wooden floor all she seen was her red ankle sneakers ,and Vance’s light brown cashmere shoes with light brown shoe laces.Meredith was able to feel Vance’s grip still tight light a rope on a boat, once Meredith gazed up at Vance he smirked and said 
“Hey sugar cube you’re not getting away that easily”
Meredith started blushing as she looked into Vance’s dark blue eyes and said 
“new shoes”
Vance was still holding on the Meredith’s wrist like a ball and chain and answered
‘’well a man never knows when he’s going to use his shoes”
Meredith motioned with her eyes to Vance and then to him holding her wrist tight and as Meredith widened her eyes like she was expecting an answer she said 
“Do you mind”
Vance then let go of Meredith wrist and as Meredith look down at her wrist she was able to see a red hand mark on her wrist from were Vance was holding her from .As Meredith bowed her head and said 
“thank you’’’
she walked started to walk into the kitchen which lead to the hallway and as Meredith walked into the hallway she noticed something she had not noticed before.As Meredith was looking at her family photos that were lined up in a box frame Meredith noticed that the bottom left photo did not include any photo it was just a plain white frame hanging up on the grey wall ,Meredith noticed the other three photos were the same there was no photo just a white frame.
As Meredith began to lift up the white frame she had no idea what was her next idea was.The first idea that popped into Meredith head was maybe Vance was pulling a prank on her but it was something much bigger than a prank ,Meredith couldn't take it anymore as she just stared at the white frame she called out 
“Vance you need to come check this out’’
as Meredith could hear Vance’s foot steps getting closer and closer, the sound of a hard stomping on the hard wood floor echoed the hallway until Meredith could see a black shadow appear until she seen Vance in the middle of the hallway in his black silk suit with a baby blue dress shirt ,and black dress pants ,with black dress shows that were made out of leather.As Vance was just gawking at her with his hand’s folded in front of him he said 
“well sugar cube you finally came around”
as he smirked Meredith was starting to get annoyed and said 
“no genius”
Vance’s started to look confused and said with a frown 
“then what is it?’’
Meredith motioned with her hand to Vance to come towards her and as Vance did the creaking of the wood filled the air as it sounded like a thousand ghost moaning.Once Vance was standing next to Meredith he was able to see Meredith holding some kind of white frame, and Vance was very confused to as why Meredith was holding a frame that seemed to be completely normal Vance was trying to figure out what was in front of him he said 
‘’what am I looking at”
Meredith though that if Vance couldn't see what she seen then he would not understand what she was seeing as Meredith then lifted the frame to place it back she placed it on a silver hook and once the frame was back on the wall she said 
Vance was very confused and was starting to get very annoyed and as he seen Meredith just staring at a frame with a perfectly normal frame he was staring at the frame trying to analyze it very hard.As Vance soon gave up he said 
‘’nice frame.Are you going to put a picture in it?”
once Meredith heard those words she looked and Vance and squinted her eyes and siltiest bit and said 
“What did you just say?”
Vance pointed to the picture with his slender finger and repeated 
“the frame.Are you going to put a photo in it or”
Meredith wasn't sure if Vance knew what he was saying and Meredith knew if Vance answerd the question she was about to ask correctly he had something to do with her mothers death.As Meredith licked her lips she moved so she was able to face Vance and looked at him as she asked 
“Vance can I ask you something and be completely be honest when I ask you this’’
‘’it depends on the question”Vance said nervously 
“did you have something to do with my mothers death?”
a cold chill ran though Vance’s spine as Meredith asked him that question ,he wasn't sure what to say because if he told  the truth he could be killed by his father ,but if he lied he would put his whole family at risk of being exposed for who they really were which were lying, manipulating, cheating, evil people with no souls who knew they were the most powerful family.Either way he was in a trap that he could not get out of.
So as Meredith was standing in front of him crossing her arms as she was tapping her left she was looked as if she was waiting in for a really long line of some sort until Vance blurred out the first thing that popped into his head which was
“My father”
Meredith stopped tapping her and softened her look and said 
‘’what about your father’’
“as you know my father along with my whole family is very powerful and my father has codes to unlocking things you never dreamt of before”
Meredith wasn't sure whats she was getting herself into but she though was it worth it as Meredith said
“you know what Dax I cant deal with you right now.Or ever I’m leaving’’
and as Meredith turned her back she left the sigh of Vance once again and as Meredith gabbed her door she slammed the door behind her and locked it.Meredith was so confused with herself she had no idea what she was going to do with herself or what her next plan was until she looked at her bed that was made for some reason ,Meredith had not been in her room for such a long time she felt as if she needed to just get a feel for it until Meredith slowly walked to get bed as she placed her right knee on her bed she placed her whole body on her soft comforter ,as she placed her head on her soft pillow she closed her eyes and she all at once feel asleep.
Once Meredith opened her eyes she appeared to be in some kind of tank full of room tempture water ,but the odd thing was Meredith was able to breath perfectly fine under the water as she did on the surface.As Meredith soon realize she was in some kind of room as blurry people were surrounding her ,Meredith started to ball her hands into a fist and as Meredith started to bang her hands against the top of the glass tank she began to yell and as bubbles started to rise above the surface of the tank Meredith started to see one of the figures start to move in font of the tank Meredith stoped banging and paused for a second as she seen the figure was taking the top of the glass off of the tank.
The top of the tank appeared to have some kind lock of on both sides of the glass ,as Meredith heard the click of the right lock and as the left figure unlocked the left lock both figures grabbed the sides of the glass and lifted it up.A gust of cold wind hit Meredith all at once even though she was still under water ,and as Meredith slowly lifted herself up she was completely dry even though she was in water for god knows how long


ith soon realize she was in some kind of room as blurry people were surrounding her ,Meredith started to ball her hands into a fist and as Meredith started to bang her hands against the top of the glass tank she began to yell and as bubbles started to rise above the surface of the tank Meredith started to see one of the figures start to move in font of the tank Meredith stoped banging and paused for a second as she seen the figure was taking the top of the glass off of the tank.
The top of the tank appeared to have some kind lock of on both sides of the glass ,as Meredith heard the click of the right lock and as the left figure unlocked the left lock both figures grabbed the sides of the glass and lifted it up.A gust of cold wind hit Meredith all at once even though she was still under water ,and as Meredith slowly lifted herself up she was completely dry even though she was in water for god knows how long.



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