A Series Of Sweet Poems

                           O hi!
                           I'm labels.
                           Yeh.  Your best friend since grade six.
                            Yeh remember that girl who curled her hair everyday.
                            Yeh well she was the''popular one" cause she curled her hair.
                            O and remember that other girl who wore black nail-polish and listened to
                             PATD well she was the"emo-one".
                             O and that guy who was good at sports yeh he was "the jock".
                            And you can't forget the girl who got good grades she was "the nerd''.
                            Ah those memories of grouping people and separating them.
                            Seeing them more as stereotypes then actual people.
                            O and don't get me started on stereotypes.
                            You meet stereotypes when you watch "Mean Girls'' for the first time.
                             And boy didn't it become your best friend and death till you part.
                               Well sadly labels and stereotypes are going to live with you till the end.
                             How come we can't see people for their personality.
                             How come we have to group them into our likeness.
                              "O she curls her hair everyday she is such a bitch.  No wonder she is popular".
                               Yeh remember that?
                               Labels are nothing more then pesticides that are feeding off our ideas.
                               And as we give in we build something without our realizing we have created an
                                empire of nothing more than brain washing.


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