A Series Of Sweet Poems
                                                                 My 20th poem

                 What is an allusion?
                  Is it magic?
                  Is it sorcery?
                  Or is it our hopes and dreams making us do things and say things we don't mean.
                  Our dreams manifest inside us from the day we our born.
                  And as the world improves more and more each day.
                  Our dreams lesson and our insecurities increase by one-hundred percent.
                  When you were five you wanted to he a super-hero to save the world.
                  When you were seven you wanted to be a princesses.
                  When you were nine you wanted to be a model.
                  By the time you were thirteen you wanted to be apart of nothing.
                  And by the time you were eighty years old you regret not doing anything with your life.
                  And when you die on you death bed.
                  When God judges you.
                  He's  going to judge you on how foolish you were to follow Lucifer.
                  Dreams are nothing more than a drug.



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